Emerging media markets: The very latest marketing trends presented by experts

Which marketing trends will we be dealing with in the near future? In the last weeks, students from the M.A. International Marketing and Media Management program had the perfect opportunity to talk to marketing and media experts and ask all their questions about the future of marketing in Prof. Dr. Ingo Knuth's lecture "Emerging Media Markets".

Marketing and media experts from ARD media, Google, Ströer, Mediabrands, Blue Shepherd and Vice Media Group, among others, were guests at the "Emerging Media Markets" lecture.

Marketing and media experts from ARD media, Google, Ströer, Mediabrands, Blue Shepherd and Vice Media Group, among others, were guests at the "Emerging Media Markets" lecture.

Entrepreneur, consultant and coach Martin Liss gave a lecture on the topic "From good old radio to booming audio-on-demand: are podcasts the new Netflix?". In his talk, he addressed the development of the audio market in general and the podcast market in particular. Here, he gave the students insights into the topics of media use, business and revenue models, as well as the future prospects of the market.

On Monday, one of the guests was the Mediabrands agency, which supports customers in the transformation from traditional marketing programs to dynamic marketing measures. Melanie Wolter and Daniel Block from the HR Department provided information about the company's structure, among other things. In another short presentation, the students also received tips for their career entry at Mediabrands.

Frank Schwiderrek, Director Marketing Intelligence at the agency Universal McCann, introduced the students to the fascinating world of marketing models and data analytics. Bastian Schwärmer and Kyra Sydow from Initiative Media concluded the informative morning with a presentation on media strategies, also with regard to the increasingly important aspect of sustainability.

Mandar Ambekar (Blue Shepherd GmbH) has been working on the growing trend of voice marketing for many years. In his comprehensive and in-depth presentation, he addressed voice assistants such as Alexa, Cortana, Siri & Co. and showed how these new technologies will fundamentally change marketing in the near future.

Bernard Domenichini, Head of Advertising and Market Research at ARD MEDIA, spoke to the students about the German audio market, current developments with regard to streaming services, and potentials in terms of advertisers. He also shared surprising facts with regard to traditional media such as radio, which is still regularly used by a large majority of the German population across all age groups and thus remains attractive for advertising placements.

In his presentation "Shift in Media Usage & Connected TVs," Alexander Präkelt, Video Lead at Google Germany (YouTube), addressed exciting new advertising opportunities for companies on the largest video portal, YouTube. The fact that the portal is increasingly being used in the living room via a smart TV means that there will be even more direct ways to reach consumers with advertising messages in the future.

Whether CGI-Influencers, virtual sneakers or exciting new social networks like the Chinese platform Xiaohonshu: In the guest lecture "Media in the Metaverse" by Dr. Claudia Pelzer, Director New Business VICE Media Group, the students once again had the opportunity to enter the marketing time machine and learn everything about future trends in the field of virtual realities.

At the end of the lecture series, Richard Offermann and his colleagues Holger Wengelnik and Philipp Sevatschouni (Ströer) introduced the students to the dynamic out-of-home market and showed how Ströer is meeting current challenges such as the Corona pandemic through digital campaigns and data-driven marketing.

We would like to thank the speakers for their visit and appreciate the many exciting insights into current marketing trends and topics.