How to turn Storytelling into Storycaring

This week Managing Director Healthcare of the communications firm "Edelman Germany" Nils Giese visited us at Media University Frankfurt. He gave an understanding of the trending topic "Storytelling and Storycaring" and deepend it with practical exercises.

Nils Giese explained, why Storytelling isn´t automatically Storytelling. It´s important to build a relationship between Communicator and Receiver – the so called Storycaring. He illustrated the AAA-Formula: Attention, Appreciation and Affection. Further more he talked about the influence of algorithm and credibility of Storytelling.

Following the lecture Nils Giese conducted a practical exercise. He told the beginning of a sentence and each student had to add one word. The aim was to create a story. The students realised, their sentences seemed lame and boring. Nils Giese cleared the reason: Missing emotions. Same thing is part of communication. The Receiver needs a feeling.

An interesting lecture with exciting discussions and questions. Thanks to Nils Giese for this inspiring afternoon and to lecturer Michael Raffel for the organization.

More about Nils Giese and Edelman:

The global communications firm Edelman partners with businesses and organizations to evolve their brands and reputations since 1952. It received the award „Global Digital Agency of the Year 2018“. Nils Giese is responsible fort he Health sector. Before working for Edelman he was Executive Director Strategy/Head of Strategy at B2B-Agency Saatchi&Saatchi.