Success Stories Department of Design

Creative engagement for more gender equity and diversity in education

Giulia Ferla recently graduated from M.A. Communication Design and Creative Strategies.

Where are the women? The fact that women are often not included in school curricula is not without consequences: It strongly maintains gender inequality in society. Based on extensive research and interviews with educational experts, Giulia Ferla developed a pedagogical tool for teachers as part of her master's thesis. Here she reports on how she came to deal with this highly relevant topic and how she benefits from her studies at Media University.

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Outstanding thesis on shared flats in the field of graphic design and visual communication

Tamara Orlovsky, graduate of the dual study program B.A. Graphic Design and Visual Communicationlventin des dualen Studiengangs B.A. Grafikdesign und Visuelle Kommunikation

Tamara Orlovsky was recently honored - after graduating with a B.A. in Graphic Design and Visual Communication (dual) - by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) as Berlin's 2022 Best in the IHK final exam for media designer digital/print.  For her bachelor's thesis, she also spoke with residents of a variety of shared apartments in Berlin and documented their lives in photographs. In the interview, we wanted to learn more about these recent successes and projects, as well as her experiences during her studies.

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Design alumna founds own streetwear label

Nida Temaj, graduate of B.A. Graphic Design and Visual Communication, founded a streetwear label in 2021.

From studying design to starting a fashion label: Media University alumna Nida Temaj has taken a bold step into the future. Together with a friend, she founded FRANK BERLIN - a fashion brand that focuses on mental health issues. We talked with Nida about this exciting project and the highlights of her studies.

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Allround design studies at Media University: Interview with graphic design student Emilie Fehse

The Berliner Emilie Fehse devotes herself to her graphic design studies with great enthusiasm as well as a good portion of curiosity. Her studies give her the opportunity to delve deeply into the various subfields of design and explore them. In this interview, she talks about the projects she enjoyed the most so far and tells us why and to whom she would recommend the study program.

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Finding and developing individual talents and strengths

Annabell Duda at her best - scribbling on the graphics tablet at HMKW.

Annabell Duda is in her first semester of B.A. Game Design and Interactive Media at Media University Cologne. Due to the Corona pandemic, teaching has so far taken place online. Nevertheless, the student is happy about her choice of study and would like to encourage prospective students to apply.

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Successful career start as a graphic designer in the field of UX and UI design

Marcel Wedekind works currently as a graphic designer at Jobufo, a Berlin-based HR tech startup.

Marcel Wedekind is passionate about design since his school days. After completing his dual studies at Media University Berlin, he now works as a graphic designer at Jobufo, a Berlin-based HR tech startup, where he plays a key role in developing the user experience and the user interface. In a short interview, Marcel told us more about the most valuable experiences he gained during his studies and the challenges he faces in his day-to-day work.

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Creative and hands-on: Lisa Pommerening on her dual studies in graphic design

Lisa Pommerening's biggest dream for the time after her dual studies in graphic design and visual communication: joining the Berlin film and TV production company STORY HOUSE Productions as a permanent employee. Not only did she complete her practical year here, but she also continues to work for the company as a student trainee. In the following interview, she told us about the advantages of the dual study program at Media University and what she would like to focus on in her bachelor's thesis.

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Graphic design with social impact: Interview with graduate Nadin Reichbodt

Design that has an impact on society: In her bachelor thesis, Nadin Reichbodt developed a campaign that aims to draw attention to the situation of homeless people. In the interview, she told us why this topic was particularly appealing to her and what specific experiences from her studies at Media University Berlin she is taking with her into her professional life.

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Creative in Berlin: Luisa Barbero on her experiences as a freelance designer and video editor

Communication design, animation, photography and storytelling: Luisa Barbero's interests and talents are as diverse and colorful as the creative scene in the cultural capital of Berlin. After her bachelor's degree in the northern Italian city of Turin, she began her master's degree in M.A. Communication Design at Media University Berlin and already worked on film and social media projects during her studies. In this interview we asked her about her start into professional life, her most exciting projects so far and her plans for the future.

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Augmented Reality in the field of Influencer Marketing

[Translate to englisch:] HMKW Frankfurt: Success Story Design: Augmented Reality im Influencer Marketing

Curiosity, enthusiasm and a dose of less perfectionism - this attitude combined with a good work ethic brought Paulina Elsner, graphic design student at Media University Frankfurt, a permanent position at Media Monks in Amsterdam. She started with an internship in spring 2020 and now works for IMA in the augmented reality department and is also writing her bachelor's thesis about this topic.


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Career start in communication design: from hobby to profession

Flexible and curious: Graduate Giny Dania Mateke

Being open to new things and remaining flexible in your choice of career: Graduate Giny Mateke definitely proved these two qualities after graduating in Journalism and Corporate Communications. She has turned her favourite hobby, graphic design, into a profession and has now been working for 4 years as a communication designer for a medium-sized IT service provider.

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Working in an international team

HMKW student Pia Witt on the beach in Barcelona

Cologne-based graphic design student Pia Witt went to Spain during her practical phase: During her internship at the internationally operating agency Story&Co in Barcelona, she worked on a variety of projects, gained intercultural work experience and learned Spanish as well. In her report she gives insights into this exciting time.

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Creating videos all around the globe

[Translate to englisch:] Julian Kolb während eines dreimonatigen Aufenthalts in der Wüste Gobi.

"Rare animals and where to find them" could perhaps be the working title for Julian Kolb's moving image projects. Even before he finished his studies at Media University Cologne, the graphic design student was already able to realize several projects with his passion for filming and photography. Here he tells more about his projects and studies.

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