Success Stories Department of Journalism and Communication

Bonjour, Paris! Diverse semester abroad in France

[Translate to englisch:] Selina Grell verbrachte ein Auslandssemester an der ISCOM in Paris.

Selina Grell (B.A. Journalism and Corporate Communications, Media University Frankfurt) recently spent a semester in the French capital. During her stay abroad, she got to know students from all over the world as well as university life at ISCOM, Institut Supérieur de Communication et Publicité. More about her experiences she told us here.

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Kathleen's dream semester in Norway

Kathleen Laux (B.A. Journalism and Corporate Communications) spent an unforgettable semester abroad at the Erasmus partner university in Volda, Norway.

Whether it's the impressive landscapes, exciting activities with other international students or the well-equipped host university: When Kathleen Laux thinks back to her semester abroad in Volda, Norway, she can't help but daydream. Why she also highly recommends an Erasmus semester to all Media University students, she explains here.

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From an internship in Lyon to a permanent position

Everything fell into place perfectly for journalism student (and now graduate) Joël Pütz (M.A. Convergent Journalism, now: Digital Journalism): After his internship abroad at the online magazine Parlons Basket in Lyon, he was offered a job there and is now happy to have a permanent position as an editor. We asked him, among other things, what he particularly liked about his internship and what advice he would give other students for their own stay abroad.

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Germany Scholarship Holder Luisa-Maria Mrcela introduces herself

Luisa-Maria Mrcela, in the 3rd semester of her Master's degree in "Public Relations and Digital Marketing" at the Frankfurt Campus, was amazed when the university management informed her that she had won the Deutschlandstipendium. Here, she tells us a bit about her volunteer work and her work-study activities. Incidentally, Luisa successfully completed her Bachelor's degree in "Journalism and Corporate Communications" at Media University in Cologne.

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Diving into current digital marketing trends: Interview with Nduku Mutinda

Nduku Mutinda is currently writing her master's thesis in the M.A. Public Relations and Digital Marketing program.

Nduku Mutinda is about to finish her M.A. in Public Relations and Digital Marketing, where she is writing her master's thesis on brand activism and researching the potential of effective marketing to influence consumers' behavior. We invited her for an interview and asked her about her studies at Media University, her life in the multicultural city of Berlin and her current job at a Berlin-based language tech company.

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"One day I want to be a prominent scholar in my academic field"

Erastus Kalenga Hamunjela has been studying "Public Relations and Digital Marketing" since winter semester 2020/21

For Erastus Kalenga Hamunjela, a first dream has already come true when he came to Berlin to study Public Relations and Digital Marketing. He works as a Social Media Manager alongside his studies and is happy about all the valuable input he gained at Media University. In addition, he is also active as a model: For example, he has appeared in the CSD Berlin Pride campaign and volunteered for equal rights of the LGBTQIA+ community. Well done and keep up the good work!

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Exciting and diverse everyday working life in the WELT newsroom

Merle Giesel has accomplished what many people dream of: right after graduating, she was able to start working as a news editor at the TV station WELT, where she is responsible for editing news reports for the current live broadcast, among other tasks. In this interview, she tells us more about her path to her dream job and how her Bachelor studies at Media University have shaped her future in TV journalism.

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Jesuina Januario's heart beats for podcasts

Jesuina Januario, student of M.A. Public Relations and Digital Marketing, is already focusing on her great passion in addition to her studies: She is currently a working student at Blinkist and is constantly dealing with new podcasts. Her love goes so far that she wants to investigate the role of podcasts for People of Colour in her master's thesis. Sounds exciting? In the interview she told us more about her studies, her plans as well as her job.

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"My studies at Media University were an amazing opportunity for me to gain practical experience and learn."

Digital marketing is Ayesha Samia's great passion. She already knows that she wants to get started in this field after graduation (currently: M.A. Public Relations and Digital Marketing). She is currently gaining valuable practical experience as a working student at the digital marketing agency Crealytics. In the interview, we asked her about her work, her favorite courses and projects, and her goals for the future.

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From student to entrepreneur

Benedikt Wolter successfully completed his bachelor's degree in journalism and corporate communications at Media University Cologne this year. In this interview, alumnus Benedikt Wolter tells us about his career from student to founder of his own marketing agency, as well as his professional and private goals for the future.

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Studying journalism in a dynamic environment: Interview with student Lisa Frising

Studying journalism in a dynamic and diverse city like Berlin: For Lisa Frising, student of M.A. Convergent Journalism (from WS 2020: M.A. Digital Journalism, editor's note), there is currently hardly anything more enriching. In the interview she reveals why she decided to study at Media University Berlin, which courses she is particularly interested in and why she wants to live and work in Berlin in the near future.

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At the crossroads of Journalism and Corporate Communications

Katharina Klube, Graduate of B.A. Journalism and Corporate Communications

Katharina Klube has already successfully completed her Bachelor's degree in Journalism and Corporate Communications at Media University Berlin in 2016. What has changed professionally since then? We were curious and made contact again. In an interview, she now tells us about her work as a press spokesperson for the German Veterinary Association and her professional and private goals for the future.

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Career start in communication design: from hobby to profession

Flexible and curious: Graduate Giny Dania Mateke

Being open to new things and remaining flexible in your choice of career: Graduate Giny Mateke definitely proved these two qualities after graduating in Journalism and Corporate Communications. She has turned her favourite hobby, graphic design, into a profession and has now been working for 4 years as a communication designer for a medium-sized IT service provider.

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Career start in online marketing: Interview with Robert Pintz

Robert Pintz currently works as Social Media Advertising Manager.

Journalism or corporate communications? At Media University Berlin Robert Pintz was initially able to deepen his knowledge in both areas. After graduating, things turned out differently than expected and he ended up in the field of social media and performance marketing. In this interview, he tells us what particularly inspired him about his studies at Media University and what goals he would like to pursue in the near future.

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Keep learning, working and moving forward: Career start at the European Space Agency

Lorenzo Cervantes is now working in the communications department of ESA.

In September, Lorenzo Cervantes completed his Master's degree in Convergent Journalism at Media University. Immediately after his graduation he was able to start his career in the Communication Department of the European Space Agency in the Netherlands. In this interview he told us about his most valuable experiences from his studies and what he finds most challenging and fascinating about his work.

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"You'll barely get as much practice as you certainly will at Media University"

Fiene Oswald now benefits from her practice-oriented studies at HMKW Berlin.

Fiene Oswald discovered her fascination for corporate communications during her studies. Meanwhile she is working in the public relations team of a large international corporation and develops effective PR and communication strategies. In the interview she tells how she made her way to her dream job and what she particularly liked about her time at Media University Berlin.

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Felix Liomin, Social Sales Manager at ProSiebenSat.1

Felix Liomin, graduate of B.A. Journalism and Corporate Communications

Felix Liomin has successfully entered the media industry: After his studies he was able to complete an internship at ProSiebenSat1. He is now working there as Social Sales Manager. Why did Felix Liomin decide to study at Media University Berlin and what are his best memories from this time? This and much more he tells in this interview.

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Successful career start as PR trainee

Graduate Yvonne Röttgers has successfully entered the PR industry.

Yvonne Röttgers always wanted to "do something with media". After her studies she was able to specify her career aspirations: In addition to her master's degree in sustainable development cooperation, she now works as a PR trainee in an owner-managed agency. In this interview she talks about her time at Media University Berlin and explains what she likes most about her current position.

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Conquering new horizons: Svetlana Pavelko on her work as a marketing specialist

Svetlana Pavelko is now working in marketing at the Swiss company Sanoptis.

As early as 2016, we spoke with Svetlana Pavelko, graduate of B.A. Journalism and Corporate Communications, about her entry into professional life. What has changed since then? What new experiences has she gained? In the interview, Svetlana Pavelko now reveals more about her current work as a marketing specialist in the medical field and what goals she has set herself for the future.

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Freelance journalist, author, activist: Interview with Anne Dittmann

Anne Dittmann, graduate of B.A. Journalism and Corporate Communications (Photo: Josefine Hüttig)

Anne Dittmann lives her dream and works as a freelance journalist, author, blogger, speaker and activist. During her work she dedicates herself to the topics that really move her: feminism, sustainability, motherhood and justice. In the interview she told us what she particularly likes about her job and to what extent her studies at Media University have influenced her.

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At the speed of life: Laura Braeunig on her work as a PR consultant

Graduate Laura Braeunig is working as a PR consultant.

Laura Braeunig has successfully started her career in the PR industry. After working for rbb Fernsehen and as a freelancer for various companies and agencies, she has been a PR consultant with the agency PIABO since 2019. In the interview she tells how she figured out her preferred career path and how her studies at the Media University Berlin helped her.

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“Most of the time it doesn’t really feel like work”

Graduate Lennart Richter (M.A. Convergent Journalism) has started to work as a freelancer recently. te to englisch:] Absolvent Lennart Richter (M.A. Konvergenter Journalismus) hat sich mittlerweile selbstständig gemacht.

Great freedom and individual supervision by our lecturers: Graduate Lennart Richter particularly appreciated these both aspects during his time at the Media University Berlin. After studying M.A. Convergent Journalism, he worked in various PR agencies. Recently, he has started to work as a freelancer. In the interview he tells us more about his current projects and his plans for the future.

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“With my job at Google a dream came true”

Ciara Mac Gowan achieved her first major career goal at the age of 25 and works at Google's European headquarters in Dublin.

Ciara Mac Gowan has achieved what many people dream of: she got a job at Google in Dublin and has been working here as an Account Strategist since the beginning of February. What are her biggest challenges at work? And what advice can she give new students to get closer to their dream job? In a personal interview, Mac Gowan talks about her experiences during her studies and her career start.

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Career start at Sat.1 Frühstücksfernsehen

After his traineeship, Dominik Schwaegerl was able to start directly at Sat.1 Frühstücksfernsehen.

It had been clear to Dominik Schwaegerl that he would like to work in the media industry one day, even before his bachelor's degree in Journalism and Corporate Communications. During his studies, he did an internship at Sat.1 Frühstücksfernsehen, where he was able to do a traineeship directly after graduation. Today he is an editor & on-air reporter on the morning show and especially appreciates the diversity of tasks and the contact with people.

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Freelance editor at Reuters: Lukas Kuite on his entry into journalism

Lukas Kuite (25) is now working as a freelance journalist for the Reuters news agency.

Lukas Kuite acquired a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Corporate Communications at Media University Berlin and Cologne. After gaining initial work experience at local and regional newspapers as well as the radio station SWR4, he has now joined the well-known news agency Reuters as a freelance journalist. In this interview he talks about his greatest professional challenges, his plans for the future and gives students practical advice for their entry into journalism.

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Career start as a PR & Communication Manager at Scandic

Christopher Rust works for Scandic as PR & Communication Manager.

Christopher Rust discovered his enthusiasm for corporate communications during his studies. After working for Hamburger SV and the agency schoesslers, he has been responsible for internal and external communications for all German hotels of the Scandic Group since August 2019. In the interview we asked him about his career start and his previous experiences.

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Dream job journalist: Ofelia Maghakyan works as an online editor at Berliner Zeitung

The former HMKW student Ofelia Maghakyan

It was already clear to Ofelia Maghakyan in her school days that she wanted to become a journalist. After her studies at Media University Berlin her dream came true: Maghakyan is now working as editor-in-chief (CvD) in the online editorial department of the Berliner Zeitung. Among other things, she is responsible here for the coordination between editorial, production and advertising departments.

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Internship in the corporate communications department of a global player

Very enthusiastic about her internship at Bayer AG: Cologne-based HMKW student Nora Goldschmidt.

Making coffee? Certainly not in this internship: After a veritable job application marathon, Cologne-based Media University student Nora Goldschmidt found her dream internship at the chemical company Bayer AG. In this interview, she describes the versatility of her communications job in the HR department and tells which contents from her studies she had been able to apply.

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