The M.A. degree programs in International Marketing and Media Management as well as Public Relations and Digital Marketing at Media University have received their first (…)
“Stories with studies” was the topic of the dissertation which Dr. Jens Derksen, Global Media Relations Lead, Applied Intelligence at Accenture, presented at the fourth (…)
A Media University production team from Berlin and Cologne has finished a video feature about the city DōngGăng in the province of Liáoníng, right on (…)
At the weekend the graduation ceremony 2018 took place at Media University Berlin. Around 60 graduates of both the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs of (…)
Mateus Furlanetto, Chief Administrative Officer of Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communications Management, introduced the international non-profit organization at the second PR Evening at (…)
At the 7th European Communication Conference of the large academic association ECREA Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Evandro Oliveira has been elected Vice Chair of the (…)
Last Wednesday, Media University Berlin has hosted the first out of four PR Evenings with Prof. Dr. Evandro Oliveira sharing his research and expertise on (…)
At the beginning of the winter semester 2018/19, Media University awarded a total of eleven scholarships to students across all three locations. Congratulations!
Prof. Dr. Harald Kolrep, head of Media University Berlin’s Department of Psychology, has been appointed Editor in Chief of Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors, (…)
After two weeks of working intensely on their own media productions at Media University Cologne, the guest students from JAIN University visited the other two (…)
Anyone planning to study or currently studying a Bachelor’s or Master’s program at Media University in Berlin, Cologne or Frankfurt (Main) can apply now for (…)
Media University congratulates the Berlin photography professor on making first place in the photo story category of the Malaysian photo competition, which has been awarding (…)
Just before the end of the summer semester, the students of M.A. International Marketing and Media Management went on a field trip to visit Google’s (…)