Enrollment for summer semester 2023
Just in time for the start of the summer semester 2023, the first-year students in the Media University Bachelor’s and Master’s programs will be ceremoniously enrolled.
The Cologne location kicked off Media University’s enrollment ceremonies for the 2023 summer semester on March 31. First-year Bachelor’s and Master’s students from all four departments represented there – Design, Journalism and Communication, Psychology and Business – received their enrollment certificates and a welcome gift after ceremonial speeches by University Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ronald Freytag and Prorector Prof. Dr. habil. Martin Beckenkamp. At the subsequent champagne reception, they were able to toast the beginning of this exciting new phase in their lives with their families, new fellow students and future lecturers.
The ceremony was bilingual in Berlin and Frankfurt because some international Master’s students e.g. from France, Honduras, India, Luxembourg and Nigeria (and many more) were enrolled.
The representatives of the General Student Committee (AStA) also introduced themselves and their work to the new Media University students. In addition to the invitation to get involved in the student representation, the information about the participation in the “Erstiwoche” was of course not missing.
We wish all new students a good start to their successful studies. The university team is looking forward to supporting you in the best possible way – welcome to Media University!
Photos Campus Cologne: Werner Siess