Ingo Knuth and Thomas Petzold publish study in Journal of Media Economics
Ingo Knuth and Thomas Petzold, together with Florian Richter (CEO of Limebit GmbH), have recently published their latest study in the Journal of Media Economics. The publication entitled “Digital transformation’s impact on media concentration and news diversity: a network analysis of cross-platform news usage in Germany” sheds light on the impact of the digital transformation on the use and diversity of news offerings in Germany.
The authors apply an innovative network analysis to examine the relationship between media concentration and the diversity of news offerings. The focus is on the dynamics of cross-platform news usage.
Key messages of the study:
The digital transformation has fundamentally changed the distribution and use of news media. Digital platforms as well as technology and media companies now play a central role in the dissemination and consumption of information. This has a significant impact on the concentration of media markets and the diversity of news offerings.
The study shows that larger media companies tend to attract and retain the attention of users, which reduces the diversity of opinion. At the same time, smaller media providers contribute to a broader opinion landscape by passing on user attention. Particularly relevant is the investigation of the centrality and permeability of news offerings, which influence the essential cornerstones of media diversity.
As a pilot study for a possible long-term investigation, the publication offers a model that can provide regular empirical evidence for the monitoring of media concentration. This provides a sound basis for media economic and media policy decisions.
This study not only offers exciting insights into the dynamics of the German media landscape, but also makes an important contribution to the discussion on diversity and concentration in the digital age.
We would like to congratulate Ingo Knuth and Thomas Petzold on this important publication!