Starting in April, Prof. Dr. Inga Großmann will be teaching in the Psychology Department of Media University Berlin. Shortly before starting her new teaching assignment, (…)
As the first of three Media University campusses, Media University Berlin welcomed their new Bachelor and Master students of summer semester 2019 today. There are (…)
Prof. Dr. Jan-Henning Raff from Media University Berlin attended an AI Innovation Camp at the end of March. In addition to inspiration and insights into (…)
The M.A. degree programs in International Marketing and Media Management as well as Public Relations and Digital Marketing at Media University have received their first (…)
From pre-Christmas Cologne to almost late summer Barcelona: at the end of November, communication design students travelled to the Catalan art and design metropolis with (…)
“Stories with studies” was the topic of the dissertation which Dr. Jens Derksen, Global Media Relations Lead, Applied Intelligence at Accenture, presented at the fourth (…)
A Media University production team from Berlin and Cologne has finished a video feature about the city DōngGăng in the province of Liáoníng, right on (…)
At the weekend the graduation ceremony 2018 took place at Media University Berlin. Around 60 graduates of both the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs of (…)
Mateus Furlanetto, Chief Administrative Officer of Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communications Management, introduced the international non-profit organization at the second PR Evening at (…)
At the 7th European Communication Conference of the large academic association ECREA Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Evandro Oliveira has been elected Vice Chair of the (…)
"Inverted Illusion" is the fictional sci-fi series to which Media University graduates Katharina Höfer and Christina Masukowitz have created an impressive series opener as part (…)
Graphic design students and their professor from Media University Cologne visited the the world’s most important fair for the print and digital content business, the (…)
Last Wednesday, Media University Berlin has hosted the first out of four PR Evenings with Prof. Dr. Evandro Oliveira sharing his research and expertise on (…)