B.A. Digitales Marketing und E-Commerce
M.A. International Marketing and Media Management
Courses (selection)
- Personal and social competence
- Market Research
- E-Commerce
Main areas of work and research
- User Experience
- From user to customer: Gamification and emotional shopping experiences
- Innovation and creation techniques
- Methods in product development
- Agile methods and new work
Curriculum Vitae
Academic career
University for Film and Television “Konrad Wolff”: Doctorate in the AV Media Studies program. Degree: Doctorate (Dr. phil.)
Beuth Hochschule Berlin
Print and media technology course. Degree: Diplom-Ingenieur (FH) -
Career stages (selection)
since 04/2021 Media University Berlin: Professor in the Department of Economics
Pincamp (ADAC-Camping GmbH): Chief Product Officer
Producto AG | testberichte.de: Head of Product
dmc 030 GmbH / diconium GmbH: Creative Director
SinnerSchrader Commerce: Director Concept Development
TH Brandenburg: research assistant in the Department of Computer Science, field of study “Digital Media”
Further education and training
artop – Institute at the Humboldt University of Berlin: Systemic Coaching
artop – Institute at the Humboldt University of Berlin: Systemic Organizational Consulting
- Joan K. Bleicher, Barbara Link, Vladislav Tinchev. Fernsehstil, Geschichte und Konzepte, Lit-Verlag, Berlin 2010
- Link, Barbara: Design der Bilder. Entwicklung des deutschen Fernsehdesigns: vom Design über das Image zur Identity, Herbert von Halem Verlag, Köln 2008
- Link, Barbara: Ein Instrument wird zu einem Entscheidungsfaktor. Zur Entwicklung des Fernsehdesigns seit den 1950er Jahren, in Rundfunk und Geschichte 33. Jahrgang Nr. 1–2/2007, S. 5 – S. 14
- Link, Barbara; Böhm, Karina: “Usability: Die Notwendigkeit eines interdisziplinären Ansatzes” in: Konferenzband der 7. Nachwuchswissenschaftlerkonferenz 2006 an der HS Harz