B.Sc. Media and Business Psychology
- Recent Trends in Organizational Psychology
- Human and Organizational Ressorces Management
- Repetitorium B.A. Media and Business Psychology
- Colloquium Bachelor Thesis
- Economic Sciences
- Basics of Marketing and Advertising
- Psychology of Marketing and Modern Market Research
- Research Projects
Research and Teaching Focus
- Vocational aptitude diagnostics
- Test construction
- “Dark” personality traits
- Social validity, acceptance and fairness
- Personality as a factor influencing misconduct (risk, discrimination, abuse)
- Diversity and inclusion in operational human resources management
- Organizational Development
Curriculum Vitae
Akademische Ausbildung
2018 Promotion
2012-2018 External doctoral student at the University of Hohenheim
2010-2012 PhD scholarship holder of the Landesgraduiertenförderung Baden-Württemberg
2004-2010 Study of economics (Dipl. oec.) at the University of Hohenheim
Work Experience
since 2022 Head of Department Psychology all Media University campuses
since 2021 Head of Department Psychology Media University Berlin
since 2019 Professor in the Department of Psychology at Media University, Berlin
2018-2019 Assistant lecturer at Berlin universities
2012-2017 Senior Key Account Manager at HR Diagnostics AG
2007-2012 Assistant to the Chair of Psychology at the University of Hohenheim (Prof. Dr. Heinz Schuler and Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Lutz von Rosenstiel)
German Society for Psychology e.V.
Academic Society for the Promotion of Corporate Management e.V.
Association for Environmental and Nature Conservation Germany e.V.
Fatfouta, R., & Schwarzinger, D. (2024). A toxic mix: Explicit and implicit narcissism and counterproductive work behavior. Applied Psychology, 73, 863-876.
Jüngling, D., Schwarzinger, D., & Urner, M. (2023). Smartphone use as a behavioral expression of mind wandering: Measuring the relationship between smartphone use, mind wandering, and reading performance in a low-cost, non-invasive, and remote way. Poster presented at Current Issues in Mind-Wandering Research – Theoretical Advances and New Empirical Findings. July 6-8. Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany.
Schwarzinger, D., & Schuler, H. (2022). Tríada Oscura de la Personalidad en el Trabajo (TOP). Official Spanish version. Hogrefe TEA Ediciones.
Schwarzinger, D. (2022). The Dark Triad of Personality in Personnel Selection. Hogrefe.
Schuler, H. & Schwarzinger, D. (2022). Die Masken der Psychopathen. München: Verlag C.H.Beck.
Schwarzinger, D., & Schuler, H. (2022). Dark Triad of Personality at Work (TOP). Official Swedish Version. Hogrefe Psykologiförlaget AB.
Schwarzinger, D., & Schuler, H. (2022). Dark Triad of Personality at Work (TOP). Official Norwegian Version. Hogrefe Psykologiförlaget AB.
Schwarzinger, D. & Schuler, H. (2021). Dark Triad of Personality at Work (TOP). Official Dutch Version. Amsterdam: Hogrefe Uitgevers.
Schwarzinger, D., & Schuler, H. (2022). Tríada Oscura de la Personalidad en el Trabajo (TOP). Official Spanish version. Hogrefe TEA Ediciones.
Schwarzinger, D. & Schuler, H. (2021). Dark Triad of Personality at Work (TOP). Official Czech Version. Prag: Hogrefe Testcentrum.
Schwarzinger, D. & Schuler, H. (2021). Dark Triad of Personality at Work (TOP). Official Italian version. Florenz: Hogrefe Editore.
Schwarzinger, D. (2021). Spotting high-potential derailers: Barriers to dark side assessment in the workplace, their implications and avenues for solution in practice. Presented at the International Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic.
Schwarzinger, D. (2021). Applying a dark triad measure to organizational practice? Possibilities and limitations discussed by findings from Germany. Presented at the American Psychological Association Virtual Convention, San Diego, USA.
Schwarzinger, D. & Schuler, H. (2020). Dark Triad of Personality at Work (TOP). Official Finnish version. Helsinki: Hogrefe Psykologien Kustannus Oy.
Schwarzinger, D. (2020). Die Dunkle Triade der Persönlichkeit in der Personalauswahl. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Schwarzinger, D. & Schuler, H. (2019). Dark Triad of Personality at Work (TOP). Official English version (UK and US adaption). Oxford: Hogrefe.
Schwarzinger, D. (2019). A new approach to measuring the dark triad in business. Workshop at the Annual Conference of the Association of Business Psychology, London, England.
Schwarzinger, D. (2019). Praxisrelevante Implikationen der Nutzung informationstechnologischer und klassischer Testmethoden in der Personalauswahl. Vortrag auf der 23. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für angewandte Wirtschaftspsychologie, Berlin, Deutschland.
Mead, A. D., Schwarzinger, D., Becker, P. & Zhou, C. (2019). Different perceptions of dark triad items in the U.S. and U.K. Presentation at the 19th International EAWOP congress, Turin, Italy.
Mead, A. D., Schwarzinger, D., Becker, P. & Zhou, C. (2019). Cultural differences in the Dark Triad of Personality. Presentation at the International Convention of Psychological Science, Paris, France.
Schwarzinger, D. (2018). Narzissmus, Machiavellismus und Psychopathie – was diese Merkmale in der Arbeitswelt bewirken und wie sie in der Personalauswahl erkannt werden können. In A. Gourmelon (Hrsg.). Personalauswahl – ein Blick in die Zukunft (S. 51-60). Heidelberg: rehm.
Schwarzinger, D. & Schuler, H. (2017). Die Dunkle Triade der Persönlichkeit im Berufskontext. Report Psychologie, 7/8, 298-305.
Schwarzinger, D. & Frintrup, A. (2017). Arbeitsproben zur Kompetenzfeststellung. In A. Frintrup (Hrsg.). Berufliche Integration von Flüchtlingen und Migranten (S. 93-114). Heidelberg: Springer.
Schwarzinger, D. & Schuler, H. (2016). Dark Triad of Personality at Work (TOP). Bern: Hogrefe.
Mai, C., Büttgen, M. & Schwarzinger, D. (2016). “Think-Manager-Consider-Female”: Eine Analyse stereotypischer Ansichten über weibliche Führungskräfte und die empirische Überprüfung ihrer realen Persönlichkeit anhand der Big Five und Dunklen Triade. Zfbf -Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 1-34.