B.Sc. in Media and Business Psychology
Selected Courses
- Work and Organizational Psychology
- Psychological Market and Media Research
- Empirical Research Practice
Research and Work Focus Areas
- Usability
- Human Factors
- Work Psychology
- Media Research
- Workplace Health Promotion
Curriculum Vitae
2003-2007 RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Psychology: Ph.D. in Philosophy (Dr. Phil.)
2001-2003 RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Psychology: Graduate Program in Work, Industrial, and Organizational Psychology
1998-2001 RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Psychology: Major Studies and Diploma
1996-1998 Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg: Undergraduate Studies in Psychology
Career Stages
since 2017 Site Management MU Cologne
since 2012 Media University of Applied Sciences: Professor of Business and Media Psychology; Head of the Psychology Department, Cologne Campus
since 2012 Usability Academy Kaiserslautern: Academic Director; Consultant and Trainer
2011-2013 CBM – Society for Consulting, Business, and Management, Aachen: Independent Consultant
2011-2013 FH Aachen, Department of Design: Lecturer
2009-2012 Europa University of Applied Sciences Fresenius, Cologne: Lecturer
2007-2008 TRAINICO GmbH, Berlin: Independent Trainer
2001-2007 RWTH Aachen University: Project Associate in Industry and Research Projects
Skottke, E.-M., Debus, G., Wang, L. & Huestegge, L. (2014). Carry-Over Effects of Highly Automated Convoy Driving on Subsequent Manual Driving Performance. Human Factors 56 (7), pp. 1272-1283.
Huestegge, L., & Skottke, E.-M. (2013). Empirische Konsumforschung in der Psychologie: Kognitive Mechanismen bei der Produktwahl. (Empirical consumer psychology: Cognitive mechanisms of choice behavior.) In M. Kurz & S. Fabo (Eds.), Vielen Dank fuer ihren Einkauf. Konsumkultur aus Sicht von Design, Kunst und Medien (pp. 56-89). Bielefeld: transcript.
Müsseler, J. & Skottke, E.-M. (2011). Compatibility relationships with simple lever tools. Human Factors, 53, pp. 383-390.
Huestegge, L., Skottke, E.-M., Anders, S., Müsseler, J., & Debus, G. (2010). The development of hazard perception: Dissociation of visual orientation and hazard processing. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 13, pp. 1-8.
Skottke, E.-M., Biermann, A., Brünken, R., Debus, G., Leutner, D. (2008). Wirkungsanalyse und Bewertung der neuen Regelungen zur Fahrerlaubnis auf Probe. Zeitschrift für Verkehrssicherheit, 54, pp. 176-182.
Skottke, E.-M., Biermann, A., Brünken, R., Debus, G., & Leutner, D. (2008). Unfallrisiko und Fahrerlaubnisbesitzdauer bei Fahranfängern. In J. Schade & A. Engeln (Hrsg.), Fortschritte der Verkehrspsychologie, pp. 15-29. Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Skottke, E.-M. (2007). Automatisierter Kolonnenverkehr und adaptiertes Fahrverhalten. Untersuchungen des Abstandsverhaltens zur Bewertung möglicher künftiger Verkehrsszenarien. Dissertation. Hamburg: Dr. Kovac.
Gramann, K., Müller, H., Eick, E.-M., & Schönebeck, B. (2005). Evidence of separable spatial representations in a virtual navigation task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 31, pp. 1199-1223.
Eick, E.-M. & Debus, G. (2005). Adaptation effects in an automated car-following scenario. In G. Underwood (Ed.), Traffic & Transport Psychology. Theory and Application, pp. 243-255. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Willumeit Foundation Award 2007