B.A. Journalismus und Unternehmenskommunikation
Courses (selection):
- Journalism Research
- Print Journalism
- Journalistic Practice
Focus of Work and Research
- New Formats in Digital Journalism
Curriculum Vitae
Academic Education:
2000 Goethe University Frankfurt: PhD (Dr. phil.) in the Department of Modern Philologies, Romance Studies/Latin American Studies with the dissertation titled “The Reality Text: Brazilian Urban Literature in the Age of Technical Images.”
1997-1999 Goethe University Frankfurt: Doctoral Scholarship from the Hessian Graduate Funding Program
1996/97 Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil: Research Scholarship from the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service).
1986-1992 Goethe-Universität Frankfurt: Master’s degree in English Studies (Magister Anglistik) with minors in American Studies and Latin American Studies.
Career Stages
since 2018 Media University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt: Since October 2018, Professor in the Bachelor’s program in Journalism and Corporate Communication; previously served as a lecturer.
since 2007 Freelance journalist for specialized and general media (including Lebensmittel-Zeitung, Horizont, Frankfurter Neue Presse, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung); thematic focuses: portrait, society, economy, science. Regular author of the portrait series “Frankfurter Prominenz – Der Rote Faden” in the Frankfurter Neue Presse from 2014 to 2016. A selection of articles from all areas of work can be found at: www.katja-gussmann.de.
2000-2007 Editor at “Horizont – Fachzeitung für Marketing, Werbung und Medien,” responsible for the Reports section.
1999 Editor for the trade journal “Gebäudemanagement,” focusing on infrastructure service providers.
1995-1998 Freelance journalist for Journal Frankfurt, Darmstädter Echo, Lebensmittel-Zeitung, NGZ, among others; editor-in-chief of “Frankfurt geht aus” edition 1996/97.
1994 Editor of the hotel and gastronomy trade magazine NGZ, part of the dfv Mediengruppe.
1992-1993 Trainee at dfv Mediengruppe
1987-1992 Freelance journalist for titles of the dfv Mediengruppe, special coverage in 1990 on “Neue Bundesländer” for the hotel and gastronomy trade magazine NGZ.
Iberoamerika-Preis 2000 für die Dissertation “Der Reality-Text. Brasilianische Großstadtliteratur im Zeitalter der technischen Bilder.”
Publications (Selection)
Katja Gußmann (2002). Der Reality Text. Brasilianische Großstadtliteratur im Zeitalter der technischen Bilder. Bibliotheca Ibero-Americana. Band 83. Frankfurt: Vervuert.
Tomic, Boris (Hg.). Katja Gußmann, Mark Obert (2015): Der Rote Faden. Frankfurter im Porträt. Frankfurt/Main: Frankfurter Societäts-Medien.