Prof. Dr. Kim Murphy

Head of Department of Journalism (Master programs) Campus Berlin


Since 2019 Prof. Dr. Kim Murphy has been working as a professor for corporate communications at the Media University Berlin and teaches on both the B.A. in Corporate Communication and Journalism and the international master’s programs M.A. Public Relations and Digital Marketing and M.A. Digital Journalism. Her main teaching focus is empirical social research, strategic communication and public relations writing. Her research interests lie in the area of social media use by public and government organisations and the unique challenges faced by public organisations in using new digital technologies. From 2014 until 2018 she worked as a researcher and lecturer in the department for organisational communication (Prof. Dr. Juliana Raupp) at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies at Freie Universität Berlin (FU Berlin). The research and teaching focus of the department included PR and journalism, organisational communication, crisis and political communication. During her time at FU Berlin she worked as a researcher within a three-year DFG (German Research Foundation) funded project called “Networked Media Government Relations”. The project empirically examined how the relationship between government and media is changing in a digital age. In July 2018 she completed her doctorate of philosophy in media and communication studies. Before entering academia in 2014, she worked for over ten years in many senior political, media and communication positions in Germany and her home country, Ireland. She also previously completed a M.A. in International Relations and a B.A. in Communication Studies at Dublin City University, Ireland.


  • Empirical Social Research/Empirical Methodology
  • Applied PR Research Methods
  • Public Relations Lab – Writing Skills
  • Strategic Communication
  • New Trends in PR Research
  • Mass Media

Research and Teaching Focus

  • Organizational communication
  • Political (online) communication
  • Governmental (online) public relations
  • PR and Journalism
  • Social media communication & research
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Comparative Research
  • Empirical Methods

Curriculum Vitae

  • Education


    Dr.phil in Media and Communication Studies, Freie Universität, Berlin


    Postgraduate Diploma in Public Relations & Event Management, Fitzwilliam Institute, Dublin, Irland


    M.A. in International Relations, Dublin City University, Irland


    B.A. in Communication Studies, Dublin City University, Ireland

  • Work Experience

    since April 2019

    Professor for Corporate Communications, Media University Berlin


    Lecturer, Media University Berlin


    Researcher and lecturer in the DFG-funded project “Networked Media Government Relations”, Institute for Media and Communication Studies, Freie Universität, Berlin


    Communications Manager, Corporate Communications and Marketing, ESMT European School of Management and Technology Berlin


    Senior Research and Policy Coordinator in the press and research office of a political party in the Irish parliament


    Journalist (researcher and producer) in national radio (Today FM) and TV (TV3) in Ireland


    Media monitor, Broadcasting Authority of Ireland

Publications and Presentations

Murphy, K. Plavec, Jan Georg: Babylon oder Blase? Die Brüsseler EU-Kommunikationskultur. Einstellungen von Politikern und Journalisten im Vergleich. Publizistik 67, 199–201 (2022).

Murphy, K. (forthcoming July, 2019). Government Communications in a Digital Age. A Comparative Study of Online Government Communications in Germany and Great Britain. Baden Baden: Nomos.

Raupp, J, Kocks, J.N. & Murphy, K. (Hrsg.) (2018). Regierungskommunikation und staatliche Öffentlichkeitsarbeit: Implikationen des technologisch induzierten Medienwandels. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Murphy, K. (2018). Lost in Translation: The Methodological Challenges of Comparative Studies. In J. Raupp, J.N. Kocks & K. Murphy (Eds.) (2018), Regierungskommunikation und staatliche Öffentlichkeitsarbeit: Implikationen des technologisch induzierten Medienwandels (pp.203-215). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Kocks, J.N., Raupp, J. & Murphy, K. (2017). Diesseits und Jenseits des Eisernen Vorhangs: Aufgaben, Konzeptionen und Rahmensetzungen der Regierungskommunikation in BRD und DDR bis 1989. In: M. Beiler & B. Bigl (Eds.), 100 Jahre Kommunikationswissenschaft in Deutschland: Von einem Spezialfach zur Integrationsdisziplin. Konstanz: UVK.

Kocks, J.N., Raupp, J. & Murphy, K (2017): Die Erklärungskraft sozialen Kapitals: Eine Analyse der Struktur politisch-medialer Kommunikationsnetzwerke unter Online-Bedingungen. Paper presented at the 62nd DGPuK Annual Congress, Düsseldorf.

Nitschke, P. & Murphy, K. (2016). Organizations as an Analytical Category: Conceptual and Methodological Challenges.In G. Vowe & P. Henn (Eds.), Political communication in the online world: Theoretical approaches and research designs (pp. 262-274). NY: Routledge.

Kocks, J.N., Raupp, J. & Murphy, K. (2016): Egos, elites and social capital: Analyzing media-government relations from a network perspective. Paper presented at the General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Prague.

Murphy, K., Kocks, J.N. & Raupp, J (2016): Different Governments, Different Approaches: Political Participation in the Online Sphere. Paper presented at the General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Prague.

Kocks, J.N., Raupp, J. & Murphy, K. (2015): From Partisanship to Perpetual Neutrality? Tracing the History of Governmental PR in Germany. Paper presented at the Annual Conference ‚Hegemony or Resistance? On the Ambigous Power of Communication‘ of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), Montreal.

Murphy, K., Kocks, J.N. & Raupp, J (2015): Conceptualizing a framework for effective government communications in a new media age. Paper presented at the 22. International Public Relations Research Symposium (BLEDCOM), Ljubljana.

Reviews of own works

Lichtenstein, D. Murphy, Kim: Government communications in a digital age. A comparative study of online government communications in Germany and Great Britain. Publizistik 65, 481–483 (2020).


DGPuk – Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft
International Communication Association (ICA)