Series of articles by students published in FNP
“TikTok meets daily newspaper” – under this title, 21 journalism students researched the most interesting social media accounts from and about Frankfurt and met the people behind them for interviews. The result is a colorful mix of people, from a former drug addict to the petfluencer Husky, which is now being published in the Frankfurter Neue Presse in a loose series of articles – also online.
B.A. Journalismus und Unternehmenskommunikation (B.A. Journalism and Corporate Communication, German only)
Writing articles, research, interviews
The students of the bachelor’s program in “Journalism and Corporate Communication” at the Frankfurt campus received professional support from print and online editors of the FNP as well as from the head of the seminar, Prof. Dr. Katja Gußmann. What a great success. We congratulate all young journalists!
Nikolai Kuhnert (editor-in-chief of the student team) reports on the project: “We were like a real editorial team. Searching for topics, finding deadlines and writing. We were allowed to plan and discuss everything ourselves with our professor Katja Gußmann and Julia Lorenz from the Frankfurter Neue Presse.”
All articles in the series in the Frankfurter Neue Presse
- Wie eine ehemalige Süchtige im Frankfurter Bahnhofsviertel aktiv bleibt
from Sarah Canli - Frankfurter Influencerin: Wenn das Schmuddelige zum Schönen wird
from Nikolai Kuhnert - Bekannt aus der Pik Dame: Frankfurter Newcomerin Lovinhood will hoch hinaus
from Sarah Eichenauer - “Wir sind aus Zufall viral gegangen”: Deutschlands erfolgreichster TikToker
from Elisabeth Remmert - “Sir Francis, Michelle und Dunkelpuschel”: Influencerin mit Herz für Eichhörchen
from Johanna Kaps - “Frankfurter kennen ihre eigenen Künstler nicht”: Künstlerkollektiv will das ändern
from Elisa Tittl
It was a lot of responsibility, which was very educational and fun. Everyone was motivated and many exciting articles were written.
Nikolai Kuhnert, editor-in-chief of the student team