Becoming a co-founder of a real estate company with digital marketing and e-commerce
Alumnus Christopher Jahr is co-founder of a real estate company on the island of Majorca. He uses the knowledge gained from his bachelor’s degree Digitales Marketing und E-Commerce (digital marketing and e-commerce, German only) for his advertising strategies, website maintenance and social media marketing, among other things.

What is your current profession?
I am the co-founder of Mallorca Diamond Real Estate S.L.U. and work in real estate. However, to say that I “only” work as a real estate agent in Mallorca is not quite accurate. In addition to my work as an estate agent, I am also responsible for maintaining the website and our CRM. I also deal with our marketing and keep an eye on the company’s finances. So I would describe my current job as that of an entrepreneur rather than a real estate agent.
How would you describe your current job?
A lot of things are currently on my desk. My day always starts with editing the mailbox and the website analytics. If we have added new properties
or have otherwise published articles on our website, I am interested in how these have affected our statistics. This usually goes over into the marketing area. I get in touch with our cooperation partners, new projects are planned and adapted. If I can leave my desk afterwards, I can either visit customers or acquire new properties. For the latter, I meet with the owners, take the documents and take photos. Everything is stored digitally in the office and the CRM system has to be maintained. If I still have time, I get to work on social media and deal with new AI tools at the end of the evening.
How does your work relate to your DMEC studies?
In many ways, my studies have opened the door to the real world of digital marketing and e-commerce. In particular, there is no getting around social media marketing, SEO, email marketing, newsletters and content marketing in the field of digital marketing. I deal with these topics – which I learned during my studies – on a daily basis. Branding, print media and other advertising strategies such as advertising posters also play a major role. E-commerce (still) plays a smaller role in our field. In the module, however, I learned how important the structure of a website is and the significance of the
positioning of the individual CTAs have. I realize this all the more in practice: Basically, I see that it is important to convince the website visitor in the shortest possible time that we have the solution to their problem.
that we are the solution to their – probably inappropriate in the real estate sector – real estate search problem.
What potential does e-commerce offer in the real estate sector?
E-commerce definitely has enormous potential in the real estate sector, even if the transaction as such still has to be notarized. Just think of the preparation of a transaction. Viewing the property online with the help of VR glasses and providing comprehensive information, photos, floor plans and detailed descriptions can speed up the sales process digitally. All in all, we can save time and money with e-commerce. Whether one day the purchase transaction can also take place digitally, I leave open and remain curious.
What role does digital marketing play in the sale of real estate?
As a real estate company, we want to offer our customers the best possible service. However, this naturally requires potential customers to entrust us with their property search and owners with the sale of their property. To do this, we have to show the properties from the best possible side. To do this, we film house tours and publish them on YouTube. However, most customers reach us digitally or via recommendations. So we have to position ourselves well digitally and use marketing strategies to gain the trust of our customers.
E-commerce definitely has enormous potential in the real estate sector, even if the transaction as such still has to be notarized.
Christopher Jahr
What skills are most important for self-employment?
I think the most important thing is to be interested and curious about your work. There will always be good and bad days, but if you’re passionate about your business, it’s easier to deal with the downs. Of course, hard work, ambition and discipline are also part of self-employment. The real estate industry is highly competitive and there are many challenges. You also need to be resilient and have a certain amount of stamina.
Was it a difficult step to become self-employed abroad?
Definitely. Ultimately, the step of becoming self-employed abroad was also associated with some risks. Although we had observed and analyzed the real estate market in Mallorca for a long time beforehand and also have experience in the sector, the language is sometimes an obstacle, as you have to communicate with some lawyers, owners and developers in Spanish, and the legal system is different, which of course plays a major role when buying a property. But that all came about in the first few months and now we can’t imagine being self-employed abroad without it.
What advice do you have for younger students who are nearing the end of their studies and about to enter the workforce?
My advice is always to work in a field that truly interests you. This way, your daily work won’t feel overly stressful or exhausting, and you’ll see your career as fulfilling. Of course, there will always be tasks in any job that you don’t enjoy, but having a genuine interest in your field is key.
I also recommend building a network as early as possible. Every connection can be valuable in certain situations. Lastly, I encourage you to try out as many different things as possible while you’re young. If you’re unsure, explore different industries and trust your gut—it will never lead you astray.
Thank you for the insights, and I wish you all the best for the future!