Systemic coaching

Creating sustainable change

Certificate course at the Media University in Berlin

As a systemic coach, you will be able to initiate sustainable change in your conversation partners within the framework of structured conversation processes.

Dr. Cordula Bestvater und Kursteilnehmerinnen an der MU Berlin
The Media University offers the training in cooperation with Dr. Cordula Bestvater, founder of Mikusi.
Upon completion, you will receive the “Systemic:r Coach:in” certificate.

Dr. Cordula Bestvater and course participants at MU Berlin
© This is Julia |

Course content

In addition to specialist coaching knowledge, you will acquire the methodological skills to design a coaching process and use coaching tools. You will learn and practice questioning and conversation techniques to recognize your individuality and strengths and those of your fellow human beings, employees and clients.

Due to the high proportion of self-awareness in the training, you will also strengthen your self-image and your reflection skills. The skills for professional success in the areas of personnel management, intercultural competence and career planning will be developed:

  • High practical orientation
  • Sound theoretical background knowledge
  • Methodological competence for the design of coaching processes
  • Effective toolbox
  • Development of your own coaching attitude
  • Systemic coaching, personality coaching (life coaching), intercultural coaching, creative coaching, etc.
  • Personnel development, career planning and team development
  • Remote coaching
  • Mindfulness exercises

Training management

Dr. Cordula Bestvater supports companies in promoting the mental health of their employees, including through resilience and mindfulness training, systematic feedback processes, efficient meeting cultures, constructive error cultures, personality diagnostics and leadership development.


  • „Ich würde den Kurs jedem weiterempfehlen, der Lust hat sich als Coach selbstständig zu machen oder mit einer Zusatzqualifikation eine Bereicherung im Joballtag und im Leben zu haben.“

  • „Ich kann die Ausbildung definitiv empfehlen und versichern, dass sie einen nicht nur beruflich, sondern auch persönlich wachsen lässt!“

  • „Die schönste Erfahrung, die ich hier machen durfte, ist, wie viele Chancen im Coaching liegen und wie lebensverändernd es sein kann, die richtigen Fragen zu stellen.“

  • Seit 2019 bietet Dr. Cordula Bestvater an der Media University Berlin jährlich den Weiterbildungskurs "Systemisches Coaching" an. Hier teilen die Kursteilnehmerinnen ihre Erfahrungen.

Target group

Students, graduates, career starters, high potentials, junior managers, career changers

Online advanced seminar

Fri, February 21, 2025
10 am to 2 pm online


Reflection on the implementation of the coaching concept, opportunities and obstacles to self-employment, supervision of coaching sessions already carried out as a simulation

  • Certificate

    Systemic coach

  • Prerequisite for participation

    Completed studies or currently studying

  • Seminar form

    Part-time, in presence

    Max. 18 participants per training group

  • Costs

    1850€ for MU students
    2500€ for other students
    3800€ for professionals

  • Language


Dates 2025

February 15/16 | March 15/16 | April 12/13 | May 24/25 | June 14/15 | July 12/13 | September 13/14 | October 11/12 | November 14/16/17

In each case from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., MU Berlin


Approx. 150 hours of attendance at weekends in Berlin (2 days each);

approx. 150 hours of group and individual work in the context of individual practice groups

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