M.A. Communication Design and Creative Strategies

Master of Arts (M.A.)

The M.A. Communication Design and Creative Strategies is a future-proof program. It provides key competencies expected from creative heads in management positions, focusing on aesthetic production in advertising, marketing and visual communication. The aim is to master the entire design-oriented process of value creation both in theory and practice.

Program in brief

StartApril and October
DegreeMaster of Arts (M.A.)
LocationBerlin, Cologne, Frankfurt (Main)


English (Campus Berlin and Frankfurt), German (Campus Cologne)
Written work can be submitted in either language of choice

Tuition feesFull-time: 850,- € monthly | Part-time: on request only
Dual: The cooperating companies pay the monthly tuition fees


Full-time: 4 semesters | Part-time: according to module assignment
Dual: 4 semesters

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Reasons for studying at Media University

✔️ state-recognized
✔️ practice-oriented
✔️ modern & creative learning
✔️ NC-free selection process


Testimonials from our students

„I can trust my judgement on design decisions, follow the guidelines set by our internal design team, and create and present my own designs for web projects thanks to my experiences in the Communication Design course. I think about user experience and use design thinking as part of my work on the web daily.“ – Kathryn Lawrence ➡️ Find out more in the interview with Kathryn

„The most important thing I liked the most during my studies at Media University was the lectures about branding, creative strategies, and design management, which gave me a new perspective on visual designs since my previous education background was mainly about fine art and the artistry aspect of designs.“ – Farzin Foroutan ➡️ Find out more in the interview with Farzin

☀️ Job profiles

Graduates of the Master's degree program in Communication Design and Creative Strategies now work in design studios, advertising or media agencies, start-ups and consulting agencies, for example as junior art directors, UX designers or product managers.
Many also find a position as an in-house graphic designer in large companies. Some graduates become self-employed as freelancers or set up their own design agency.


☀️ The program in detail


Integration of theory and practice of design:

  • latest developments in research and analysis of design and creativity
  • practical work and art direction projects

Learning outcomes:

The ability to carry out the roles and responsibilities associated with the position of Art Director and other management positions held by creative talents, within the framework of the ever-increasing convergence of print, online, broadcast and mobile media.

The Master's program M.A. Communication Design and Creative Strategies can be studied at the Berlin and Frankfurt a. M. campuses in English (M.A. Communication Design and Creative Strategies) and at the Media University location in Cologne in German.

Regardless of the teaching language of the respective degree program, master's theses at Media University can generally be written in German or English. For examinations, this rule only applies by individual agreement and requires the consent of the lecturer of the respective module.

The study program in detail: Information flyer as PDF ⤓

Applicants: Graduates of creative study programs, especially those who majored in design or fine arts

Target jobs: Designer (self-employed or in employment), Art Director, Communications Designer, Creative Director

General modules: Media Law, Media Asset Management, Media Psychology, Intercultural Management

Specific modules e.g.: Critical & Creative Thinking, Design & Social Research, Creative Design Processes, Advertising Technology, Design Management, Creative Leadership

Very good degree in design, fine arts or equivalent degree (university or university of applied sciences) plus internal assessment process.

Please note: After your matriculation, we offer you a refund of the uni-assist fee in the amount of 75€ if you submit the original receipt to Media University.


Please use our Online Application form and attach a PDF of your portfolio. This PDF should not be larger than 15 MB.

Please include in your portfolio:
– a title page (“cover”),
– your cv,
– a very brief summary of the written part of your Bachelor thesis (if available),
– motivation letter (max. 250 words),
– min. three comprehensive graphic design works created by you (or with a clearly indicated contribution from you),
– including a description of the work,
– and a documentation of the design process.

(all bundled in a multipage PDF)

If you already have 210 ECTS from your undergraduate studies, you may be able to shorten your studies by one semester.


The program is government-approved and accredited by FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation), Bonn/Vienna/Zurich.

Our study advisory team is happy to help!