For Students: University Library

The libraries at each Media University campus play a central role in the academic life of the university and offer comprehensive support to students from all subject areas. They are a valuable resource for the departments of Journalism and Communication, Design, Business, Psychology and Humanities and make a significant contribution to academic learning. With a wide range of specialist literature, academic papers, studies and digital content, the libraries enable students to engage with the topics of their degree programs in a targeted and in-depth manner.

The Media University attaches great importance to students acquiring knowledge independently and engaging intensively with academic literature. The libraries offer not only physical books, but also digital resources such as e-books and databases that facilitate access to relevant information. Students can also use the libraries to take a look at final theses and find out about the research results of their fellow students.

The university promotes independent work and teaches students the skills they need to conduct in-depth research in academic texts. By making intensive use of the library, students not only become experts in their respective subject areas, but also develop important skills in academic work and independent learning.

Insight into the library at the Cologne campus

Librarian of the Media University

  • Team Library

    Team Library

    Library Service