Media University students return from four-week-trip to India

Twenty students of Media University Cologne recently returned from a four-week-trip to Bengaluru, India, with lots of new experiences and impressions. During their stay they had visited Media University’s partner institution JAIN University.

HMKW students went on a four-week-trip to India.

HMKW students went on a four-week-trip to India.

Twenty Media University Cologne bachelor students studying Journalism and Corporate Communication and Media and Event Management spent almost the entire month of March at one of Media University‘s international partner institutions, JAIN University. The trip had been planned as a visit in return to the visit of Indian guest students to Media University Cologne last August. Just like the Indian students, the Media University students got the chance to take part in a media “summer school“ program exclusively created for them. Apart from courses in journalism, media and management topics, the program also covered cultural and sporting events, as well as trips to the nearby sights and areas. Prof. Dr. Hektor Haarkötter and research assistant Johanna Wergen from the Journalism and Communication Department accompanied the group.

Two of the students took over Media University’s Instagram account in order to report on their experiences and share colorful and impressive photos from their trips.

New friendships were made among the students of both universities and the next visit is already being planned.