Representatives of Chinese educational institutions visit Media University

Maintaining ties and networks with international partners is one of Media University’s top priorities. On September 20, two guests from China were welcomed at the Cologne Campus.

From left to right: Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Schulz, HMKW lecturer Aimin Feng, Ling Jiang, Director of Abacus School DōngGăng, Prof. Ph. D. Jimin Ni, Professor at Tongji University.

Prof. Ph. D. Jimin Ni, vice mayor of Fengcheng who also teaches at the Tongji University in Shanghai, as well as Ms Ling Jiang, Director of the Abacus School DōngGăng, were welcomed on Thursday by Media University’s Rector Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Schulz and Ms Aimin Feng, Head of the Zhong Academy and Mandarin lecturer at Media University Cologne. After a tour around the campus, lecturer Hans Hausmann showed the guests Media University’s TV and sound studio.

Afterwards, Prof. Dr. Schulz accompanied the Chinese representatives to visit the vocational school bm (Berufskolleg für Medienberufe), which cooperates with Media University on their dual study programs.

The return visit to Germany will help to further the ties with the institutions. Abacus School has been featured in a video produced by Media University earlier this year. So far, Media University has partnered up with six universities in China.

We kindly thank our guests for their visit and look forward to further cooperating in the future!