Uzbek delegation visits Campus Berlin

On Monday, January 15th, a delegation of officials from Uzbekistan and various media representatives visited Media University Berlin to get a first-hand view of the study opportunities.

The delegation at HMKW's media lounge

The delegation at HMKW's media lounge

The delegation was accompanied by a representative of the Uzbek embassy in Berlin and they were welcomed at the campus by Rector Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Schulz and Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ronald Freytag.

The delegation was headed by Yuldashevv Mukhammadilkham, a member of the presidential staff and youth policy officer, and Alimbaev Murodilla of the Central Council of the Uzbek Youth Union. Aim of the visit of the university, that was accompanied by representatives of different media outlets, was to gain fresh impetus for media-focused study programs in Uzbekistan and to promote international cooperation in the field of education.

There was a lively exchange with the heads of Media University about the academic education system in both countries. A particular focus was put on the topics of new media and international cooperation. Afterwards, the delegation took a tour around campus.