International Students Testimonies

DJ, artist, label manager: Graduate Joe Metzenmacher lives his dream

Joe Metzenmacher holds a B.A. in Media and Business Psychology from HMKW Berlin.

Music is Joe Metzenmacher's greatest passion. Early on he prepared his professional career in the music business by working on various projects while still a student. So much ambition and tenacity pays off: Today, Metzenmacher now works as a DJ and artist and is a co-owner and label manager of Heideton Records. In this interview he told us to what extent his studies have helped him on his way and which advice he would like to share with other students.

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Creative in Berlin: Luisa Barbero on her experiences as a freelance designer and video editor

Communication design, animation, photography and storytelling: Luisa Barbero's interests and talents are as diverse and colorful as the creative scene in the cultural capital of Berlin. After her bachelor's degree in the northern Italian city of Turin, she began her master's degree in M.A. Communication Design at Media University Berlin and already worked on film and social media projects during her studies. In this interview we asked her about her start into professional life, her most exciting projects so far and her plans for the future.

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Sharpening skills, expanding horizons: Graduate Samantha Fox about her VMA studies

Samantha Fox, 2010 VMA graduate

Samantha Fox successfully completed her Master's degree in Visual and Media Anthropology (VMA) in 2010, at that time at the Freie Universität Berlin. The master's program was developed there and has been offered at Media University Berlin since winter term 2019/20. In the interview she talks about her current work as an assistant professor in the field of Urban Anthropology, her current book project and how she was able to benefit from her studies.

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Augmented Reality in the field of Influencer Marketing

[Translate to englisch:] HMKW Frankfurt: Success Story Design: Augmented Reality im Influencer Marketing

Curiosity, enthusiasm and a dose of less perfectionism - this attitude combined with a good work ethic brought Paulina Elsner, graphic design student at Media University Frankfurt, a permanent position at Media Monks in Amsterdam. She started with an internship in spring 2020 and now works for IMA in the augmented reality department and is also writing her bachelor's thesis about this topic.


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Studying journalism in a dynamic environment: Interview with student Lisa Frising

Studying journalism in a dynamic and diverse city like Berlin: For Lisa Frising, student of M.A. Convergent Journalism (from WS 2020: M.A. Digital Journalism, editor's note), there is currently hardly anything more enriching. In the interview she reveals why she decided to study at Media University Berlin, which courses she is particularly interested in and why she wants to live and work in Berlin in the near future.

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At the crossroads of Journalism and Corporate Communications

Katharina Klube, Graduate of B.A. Journalism and Corporate Communications

Katharina Klube has already successfully completed her Bachelor's degree in Journalism and Corporate Communications at Media University Berlin in 2016. What has changed professionally since then? We were curious and made contact again. In an interview, she now tells us about her work as a press spokesperson for the German Veterinary Association and her professional and private goals for the future.

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