Department of Journalism and Communication Teaching Staff

Prof. Dr. Bettina Gneisz-Al-Ani

Professor Campus Berlin

B.A. Journalismus und Unternehmenskommunikation

M.A. Public Relations and Digital Marketing





  • Crisis Communication; Leadership and Internal Communication
  • Online Strategies
  • PR Videoproduction, PR Lab, Master Colloquium

Curriculum Vitae



Universität Wien / George Washington University, Washington, D.C.: Studies of Political Science in combination with History and Journalism. PhD with summa cum laude. Doctoral thesis awarded by “Dr. Maria Schaumayer Fund” as well as the Austrian Chamber of Commerce and the Austrian Chamber of Labour


Truman High School, Kansas City – USA: Graduation at Senior High School as “top 5% student”

Work Experience

2020 - today 

FH Kufstein, Tirol:

  • Master Study Program “Strategic Management IV – Innovation Management, HR, Change Management, Entrepreneurship”

Teaching in English

2018 - today

 Media University of Applied Sciences, Berlin:
  • Master PRDM “Crisis Communication; Leadership and Internal Communication”
  • Bachelor JU “Online Strategies”

Teaching in English and German

  • As of WS 2021/22: PR Videoproduktion, PR Lab, Master colloquium
2017 - today Donau Universität Krems: Lehrende

MBA Program “Data Security” (“Project and Crisis Communication”)

2015 - today Sigmund Freud PrivatUniversität, Wien
  • Executive Education Program “Communication & Psychology”
    Institute Psyche & Work for
  • SFU Law School BA “Communication for Lawyers”

SFU Training Academy “Negotiation Skills”

2015 - today 

APA Campus, Wien

  • Executive Education Program “Crisis Communication”
  • Member of the Examination Board – Public Relations
2014 - today 

Communication & Business Advisor for Corporations, Executives, Agencies

  • Development of strategies & offerings in the field of strategic communication & public affairs for international agencies
  • Projects for national & international key clients – in major fields of communication: financial market communication, reputation management, media relations, crises management
  • Individual consulting under own name for selected clients only
2011 - today 

FHWien der WKW

  • Professor “Communication Management”
  • Deputy Managing Director (01/2011 – 09/2013)
2006 - today 

Fachhochschule Wien der WKW

  • Due to academic achievements, appointed “FH-Professor” 07/2012

Department of Communication

  • Member of the Academic Advisory Board
  • Teaching BA and  MA classes at the Communication as well as at the Marketing & Sales Study Programs: “Communication Strategy, Issue Management, Public Affairs, Crisis Communication”; coaching case studies
  • Winning national & international speakers and PR experts for FHWien: joint teaching and “Ringvorlesung” for BA classes
  • Acquiring corporate projects for the department

Department Management & Entrepreneurship

  • Teaching BA and MA classes “Turn Around Management” and “Case Studies – Marketing and Corporate Communications”
  • Member of the Examination Board for BA and MA at both departments
  • BA and MA Thesis supervision at both departments
  • Teaching in English and German

MCI Management Center Innsbruck

Sommerakademie Journalismus: “Corporate Communication for Journalists”


OMV Aktiengesellschaft

Senior Vice President Corporate Communication & Public Affairs


Universität Salzburg

Guest lecturer "Corporate Communications" (SS 2006)

2005-2008 Universität Wien

Assistant Lecturer “Corporate Social Responsibility” (WS 2005 – WS 2007/08)

Lecturer “Market Research in PR” (WS 2005)


ONE / Connect Austria GmbH

Head of Corporate Communication; Public Affairs & Spokesperson


Österreichische Kontrollbank AG

Head of Public Relations


IIR - International Business Conferences

Unit Head


Business Journalist

  • Working continuously for business magazines (weekly) and daily newspapers
  • Research of investigative stories on a range of business issues
  • Interviews with CEO
  • Part of the press corps; i.e. covering the political rallies or corporate M&A


  • German National Prize for Public Relations (twice)
  • International SABRE Award, UK
  • PR Report “Gold Award”: Best PR Team - DACH region (OMV)
  • Austrian National Prize for PR (“Staatspreis”): Repositioning OMV AG
  • Award for employee’s magazine; European Association of Integrated Communication
  • Austrian Awards for Image Campaigns (i.e. “Effie”)
  • Austrian National Prize for PR (“Staatspreis”): Crisis and Conflict Management
  • International Award for magazine of FHWien