Department of Economics Teaching Staff

Prof. Dr. Thomas Kilian

Professor Campus Berlin

B.A. Medien- und Eventmanagement

M.A. International Marketing and Media Management



Prof. Dr. Thomas Kilian is Professor for Marketing & Data Analytics. He studied Business Administration at the University of Lueneburg and at the Manchester Metropolitan University. He received his doctorate at the University of Hannover in the Department of Economics.
He has gained experience as a management consultant and company founder and from 2010 to 2016 worked as a professor for Media and Service Management at the University of Koblenz-Landau. In addition, Prof. Dr. Thomas Kilian was a guest lecturer at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, the Ostfalia University of Applied Science in Salzgitter and the German-Kazakh University in Almaty / Kazakhstan.
As an author and lecturer for the Center for Distance Learning at the University of Koblenz-Landau, the University of Kaiserslautern and for the IHK Koblenz Academy of Education he has devoted himself to the special features of distance learning and has published a basic marketing textbook together with colleagues at Springer. He enjoys applied empirical research, especially in cooperation with students.


  • Audiovisual Media Industry
  • Introduction to Economics and Business Administration
  • Media, Statistics
  • Methodology
  • Introduction to Media and Marketing Management
  • Market Research

Research and Teaching Focus

  • Service Marketing / Management
  • Innovation Management and Adoption of Innovations
  • Marketing and Consumer Behavior
  • Media Management and Media Psychology

Curriculum Vitae

Academic career

Since October 2017Professor of Marketing and Data Analytics at Media University Berlin
2010 – 2016Professor of Media and Service Management at the University of Koblenz-Landau
2006 – 2010Research Assistant at the working group Marketing and Electronic Commerce, University of Koblenz-Landau
2002 – 2004PhD student at the Chair of Marketing and Management, University of Hannover
1996 – 1997Semester abroad, Manchester Metropolitan University
1994 – 2000Study of Business Administration at the University of Lueneburg



2004Energy Institute Linz / Austria: Dissertation Prize in the division Energy Economics
2000Hamburg Ministry of Economy: Winning the pitch-fever business plan competition with the SRC Hamburg OHG


Supervision PhD theses

2017"Why do they Make Things so Complicated? Desperate Consumers in Complex Buying Situations "
2016"The Best of Times - Personal and Historical Nostalgia as a Future Strategy for Entertainment Media?"
2015"Glorifying the Simple Life - Qualitative and Quantitative Analyzes of Socio-Psychological Constructs in Context of Reality TV"



Walsh, G.; Deseniss, A.; Kilian, T. (2020): Marketing - Eine Einführung auf Grundlagen von Case Studies, 3nd ed, Springer. (Marketing - An Introduction)

Kilian, T.; Langner, S. (2010): Online-Kommunikation - Kunden zielsicher verführen und beeinflussen, Gabler Verlag. (Online Communication - Seducing and Influencing Customers)

Kilian, T. (2005): Kundenorientierung von Energieversorgungsunternehmen: Konzepte, Messung und Umsetzung, Verlag Dr. Köster. (Customer Orientation of Energy Utilities, PhD thesis.)


Edited book

Hass, B.H.; Walsh, G.; Kilian, T. (2010): Web 2.0: Neue Perspektiven für Marketing und Medien, 2nd edition, Springer. (Web 2.0: New Perspectives for Marketing and Media)


Reviewed journal articles and conference proceedings

Schaarschmidt, M.; Homscheid, D.; Kilian, T. (2019): Application Developer Engagement in Open Software Platforms: An Empirical Study of Apple iOS and Google Android Developers. International Journal of Innovation Management, 23(4), 1-33.

Kilian, T .; Steinmann, S .; Hammes, E. (2018): Oh my gosh, I got to get out of this place! A Qualitative Study of Vicarious Embarrassment in Service Encounters, Psychology & Marketing, Vol. 35, No. 1.

Hennigs, N.; Kilian, T. (2016): Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Consumer Vanity and Luxury Consumption. Luxury Research Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, 150-176.

Mützel, L.; Kilian, T.; Walsh, G. (2016): Developing a Scale to Measure Emotional Responses to Buying Complex Services – The Case of Occupational Disablement Insurances. Proceedings of the 26th Annual RESER Conference.

Zerwas, C.; Kozodaeva, J.; Kilian, T.; von Kortzfleisch, H. (2016): Trust in the Context of Crowdfunding: A Qualitative Study. Proceedings of the 14th Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER 2016).

Mützel, L.; Kilian, T. (2015): Product Complexity in Consumer Research: Literature Review and Implications for Future Research. Proceedings of the 2015 Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress (WMC 2015).

Kilian, T.; Scherp, A.; Hammes, E. (2015): Social Media in Journalistic Inquiry - Requirements for a Search System Incorporating Journalistic Quality Criteria. Proceedings der European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2015).

Kilian, T.; Schubert, P.; Björn-Andersen, N. (2015): Benefits and Barriers of University Indus-try Collaborations from a Researchers’ Perspective – Development of Formative Scales and Cluster Analysis. Proceedings der European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2015).

Homscheid, D.; Kilian, T.; Schaarschmidt, M. (2015): To be open or not to be open – Wie unterscheiden sich Apple iOS- und Android-App-Entwickler? Proceedings der internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2015).

Schubert, P.; Björn-Andersen, N.; Kilian, T. (2015): Archetypes for Engaged Scholarship in IS. Journal of Information Systems and Project Management, Vol. 2, No. 1, S. 1-21.

Steinmann, S; Kilian, T.; Brylla, T. (2014): Experiencing Products Virtually: The Role of Viv-idness and Interactivity in Influencing Mental Imagery and User Reactions. Proceedings der International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2014).

Schaarschmidt, M.; Kilian, T. (2014): Impediments to Customer Integration into the Innovation Process: A Case Study in the Telecommunications Industry. European Management Journal, Vol. 32, No. 2, S. 350-361.

Greuling, K.; Kilian, T. (2014): Motives for Active Participation in Political Blogs: A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Eight German Blogs. Social Science Computer Review, Vol. 32, No. 2, S. 221-237.

Kilian, T.; Hennigs, N. (2014): Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Reporting in Controversial Industries. European Business Review, Vol. 26, No. 1, S. 79 - 101.

Schubert, P.; Kilian, T.; Björn-Andersen, N. (2014): "I am an Engaged Scholar”: A Typology of IS Researchers’ Engagement in Research with Industry in: Proceedings of the Centeris 2014.

Kilian, T.; Liesenfeld, M. (2013): What is So Difficult about Self-Scanning? A Comparative Study of Three Self-Service Technologies for Retailing. European Retail Research, Vol. 27, No. 2, S. 79-94.

Kilian, T.; Liesenfeld, M. (2013): What is So Difficult about Self-Scanning? A Comparative Study of Three Self-Service Technologies for Retailing. European Retail Research, Vol. 27, No. 2, S. 79-94.

Kilian, T.; Schwarz, T. (2013): Spinning the Wheel: What makes TV Series-Spin-Offs successful? Journal of Media Business Studies, Vol. 10, No. 2, S. 39-61.

Kilian, T.; Greuling, K.; Hennigs, N. (2013): Communicating Competence in References: A Qualitative Analysis of the Utilization of References in Industrial Marketing. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, Vol. 20, No. 2, S. 65-79.

Kilian, T.; Hammes, E.; Greuling, K.; Wagner, M. (2013): Rumor has it: An Analysis of Rumors in the Context of Product Introductions. Proceedings of the 42nd European Marketing Academy Conference.

Kilian, T.; Hennigs, N. (2012): Communicating Environmental and Ethical Performance: A Longitudinal Analysis of Annual Reports from 1998 - 2009. Hermes - Journal of Language and Communication in Business, Vol. 49, S. 19-34.

Schaarschmidt, M; Kilian, T. (2012): Peripheral Motivation and Creativity in Controlled Plat-forms: An Analysis Based on Facebook and iPhone Application Developers. Proceedings of the 2012 European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS).

Kilian, T.; Hennigs, N.; Langner, S. (2012): Do Millennials Read Books Or Blogs? Introducing A Media Usage Typology Of The Internet Generation. The Journal of Consumer Marketing, Volume 29, No. 2, S. 114-124.

Walsh, G.; Mitchell, V.-W.; Miller, L.; Kilian, T. (2009): Measuring Consumer Vulnerability to Perceived Product Similarity Problems and Its Consequences. Journal of Marketing Management, Nr. 1/2, S. 146-162. (VHB-Jourqual 3: C)

Kilian, T; Walsh, G.; Buxel, H. (2008): Measurement of Attitude Towards Private Labels: A Replication and Extension.European Retail Research, Vol. 22, pp. 69-85.


Reviewed conference papers

Walsh, G.; Lindridge, A.; Mitchell, V.-W.; Kilian, T. (2016): Investigating Consumer Confusion Proneness Cross-Culturally: Empirical Evidence from the United States, Germany, and Thailand. Paper presented at the 4th International Symposium “Theories and Challenges for Systems Thinking in Practice”, 24-26 August 2016, Vilnius/Lithuania.

Schaarschmidt, M.; Kilian T. (2015): Co-creation of Value in Platform Business Models: The Case of QuizClash. 13th Open and User Innovation Society Meeting (OUI2015), July 13 – 15 2015, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, Portugal.

Homscheid D.; Kilian T.; Schaarschmidt M. (2015): Application Developer Engagement in Open Platforms: An Empirical Study Based on Apple and Android. 13th Open and User Innovation Society Meeting (OUI2015), July 13 – 15 2015, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, Portugal.

Greuling, K.; Kilian, T.; Baldus, J.; Hammes, E. (2013): How to Measure Personal Nostalgia in Media Entertainment Products? A Replication of the Personal Nostalgia Scale. Paper presented at the Conference of the European Media Management Education Association 2013, Bournemouth, 13-15 June 2013.

Hammes, E.; Kilian, T.; Greuling, K. (2013): Social Motives as Drivers in Reality TV Consumption. Paper presented at the Conference of the European Media Management Education Association 2013, Bournemouth, 13-15 June 2013.

Kilian, T.; Greuling, K.; Hammes, E. (2012): You’re Such an Embarrassment! A Qualitative Study of Vicarious Embarrassment in Customer-to-Customer Interactions in the Service Context, Paper presented at the AMA Summer Marketing Educators' Conference 2012, Chicago, 17-19 August 2012.

Kilian, T.; Hennigs, N. (2012): CSR-related Communication in Different Industries: A Qualitative and Quantitative Study based on Corporate Annual Reports, Paper presented at the AMA Summer Marketing Educators' Conference 2012, Chicago, 17-19 August 2012.

Greuling, K.; Kilian, T. (2012): Motives for Active Participation in Political Blogs – A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of 11 German Blogs, Paper presented at the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP) Conference 2012, Chicago.

Kilian, T.; Hennigs, N. (2011): Communicating Environmental and Ethical Performance: A longitudinal Analysis of Annual Reports from 1998 - 2009, Paper presented at the CSR Communication Conference, Amsterdam, October 26-28 2011.

Kilian, T.; Hennigs, N. (2011): Corporate Social Responsibility Between Hypocrisy and Sincerity, Paper presented at the AMA Summer Marketing Educators' Conference 2011, San Francisco, 5-7 August 2011.

Kilian, T. (2011): Social Interaction in Social Media - Application and Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model, Paper presented at the EURAM 2011 Management Culture in the 21st Century Conference, Tallinn/Estonia, 1-4 June 2011.

Kilian, T.; Schwarz, T. (2011): Managing Media Innovations: The Case of TV Series-Spin-Offs, Paper presented at the EURAM 2011 Management Culture in the 21st Century Conference, Tallinn/Estonia, 1-4 June 2011.

Schaarschmidt, M; Kilian, T. (2011): Open Innovation and Customer Integration: A Study of the Barriers in the Telecommunication Industry, Paper presented at the EURAM 2011 Management Culture in the 21st Century Conference, Tallinn/Estonia, 1-4 June 2011.

Schaarschmidt, M.; Kilian, T.; Walsh, G.; von Kortzfleisch, H. F. O. (2011): Motivation and Creativity in Controlled Platforms: An Analysis Based on Facebook and iPhone Application Developers. 3rd International Conference on Web Science, ACM WebSci ’11, Koblenz, Germany, June 14-17 2011.

Kilian, T.; Hennigs, N.; Seeberg, I. (2010): References in Industrial Marketing: A Qualitative Analysis of the Utilization of References in Mechanical Engineering Firms, Paper presented at the Academy of Marketing Science 2010 Cultural Perspectives in Marketing (CPM) conference, IESEG School of Management, Lille/France 21-24 July 2010.

Walsh, G; Kilian, T.; Kuhlmann, U.; Garg, M. (2008): Employee Smile in Service Encounters: A Review of the Literature and Research Directions, Paper presented at the 2008 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Vancouver/Canada, May 28-31.

Kilian, T.; Walsh, G.; Buxel, H. (2008): Attitude Toward Private Labels in Germany - A Replication Study, Paper presented at the 2008 Cultural Perspectives in Marketing Conference, New Orleans, January 16-19.

Walsh, G.; Kilian, T.; Buxel, H. (2007): The Consumer Perceived Value Scale: Replication and Development of a Short Scale, Paper presented at the 2007 Association for Consumer Research North American Conference, Memphis, October 25-28.