
Erasmus+: Erasmus+ Policy Statement

Erasmus Certificate Media University (formerly HMKW Hochschule für Medien, Kommunikation und Wirtschaft)

Media University Erasmus Policy Statement

  • Statement

    Media University offers degrees in journalism, graphic design, media and economic psychology, and media and event management with the aim of preparing students to enter the European labour market. Media University’s main objectives are to provide a high quality learning and teaching experience, with an international dimension, with mobility of students and teachers being  a key aspect. Media University recognises the ever increasing importance of international intellectual activities and that a broad  network of links  with European institutions  is crucial to meet these objectives.

    Media University is therefore committed to international cooperation, to enabling participation in student and staff exchange and to multilateral projects, and to offering students the opportunity to carry out their compulsory internships or work placement in European companies (following the European Quality Charter for Mobility). Participation in Erasmus is an essential  tool for achieving Media University’s goals and objectives. Receiving students and teachers from other  European countries will also contribute to the international dimension of the education at Media University. To facilitate exchanges, language training in English is mandatory for all our students and some courses are offered in English.

    Although a young institution, Media University cooperates in a bilateral way with other European institutions from Finland, The Netherlands, Belgium, Great Britain, Sweden and Switzerland and is working on building up further bilateral cooperative activities with institutions in Spain, Portugal, France, ltaly and Turkey. Joint workshops have been held, students from other institutions have been invited to start joint courses in Berlin and Cologne. Teaching exchanges are in place with institutions in Great Britain and Finland. These cooperative activities are the basis for medium and longer term bilateral cooperation agreements. Staff members are involved in teaching activities and participate in networks like the International Circle of Educational lnstitutes for Graphic Arts.

    Media University is committed to engaging actively with the Bologna process. Media University uses the ECTS  system  thoroughly and offers a diploma supplement for all students. Erasmus participation and mobility for both, students and staff will contribute to ensuring the comparability of study programmes and to their development and high quality.
    An International Office has been installed, whose goals are to establish, develop and promote ties across Europe and to develop the Erasmus programme for Media University. A development strategy and working programme for the next five years covering EU and non-EU cooperations has been defined and communicated to the staff and students.
    Procedures and structures for the implementation of Erasmus are displayed on the Media University website, distributed to all staff and students and policy statements issued to students and staff as well as the public outside Media University. Presentations have been and will be made to classes and information sessions held. Erasmus experience will be communicated on our website and in social media. Activities are reported to local media.
    The aims for students is that in a leng term 20 – 25% of the students to participate within three years on a students exchange or on work placement. The implementation of Erasmus at Media University has been started in the academic year 2013/14 with excellent initial success for students as well as teachers in terms of number of applications. The international office will perform activities to encourage students from other countries to study at Media University. An initial activity to encourage students from the bilateral partners is successful in terms of announced visiting students.
    Teacher mobility is being encouraged and facilitated. The intial strategic plan to have one teacher participating in exchange activities per year has been met. The number will increase as Media University grows and the implementation of Erasmus will take place at teachers level. Staff exchange within the Erasmus framework will support the exchange of best practices in teaching and administration.
    The strategic plan requires increasing participation in multilateral projects and networks related to LLP. Research programmes with participation of Media University teaching and research staff will start in fall 2013.

  • 1. lncreasing attainment levels to provide the graduates and researchers Europe needs

    lmplementing Erasmus at Media University has already proved to create large resonance among students, staff and persons interested in studying at Media University. The support of mobility activities clearly contributes to Media University attractiveness and to the steadily growing number of students at Media University both in Berlin and Cologne.

  • 2. lmproving the quality and relevance of higher education

    Participation in the programme will allow an exchange on best practices in higher education throughout Europe and thus contribute to increasing the flexibility in Media University study programmes and the variety of study modes at Media University.

  • 3. Strengthening quality through mobility and cross-border cooperation

    With the aim to prepare Media University students for the European labour market, mobility clearly contributes to the high relevance of the study programmes. The participation to the programme will have an impact on quality assurance and increase efficiency of recognition of credits gained abroad.

  • 4. Making the knowledge triangle work: Linking higher education, research and business for excellence and regional development

    Media University is well embedded in local and regional economic networks and relationships, and uses its network to attract exchange students and guest lecturers from partner institutions. lntercultural exchange on the other hand promotes the growth of Media University regional and local networks. Media University promotes entrepreneurial activities of students and uses entrepreneurial experience of teaching staff to create opportunities for innovation in education. Participating in the programme will allow an expansion of this policy to a European and international Ievel.

  • 5. lmproving governance and funding

    The participation in the Programme will allow a transfer of best practices from cooperation partners to Media University and thus allow improvements in cost management and human resource management at Media University. Furthermore it will give access to alternative sources of funding, including using public funds to leverage private and other public investment.