Matriculation ceremonies at Media University

17. April 2018

About 140 new Bachelor and Master students were welcomed this week at the Media University in Berlin, Frankfurt, and Cologne. Along with them, 3 new professors were introduced.

Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Schulz, Rector of the university, Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ronald Freytag, and CEO Ameir Jillab were present at all three events.

On Monday, Prof. Dr. Freytag was particularly pleased to be able to welcome new students to the Media University Berlin for the 14th time, and emphasized that it is, nevertheless, still something special to be able to accompany the students‘ development. It was the first time, that student of the recently introduced program M.A. International Marketing and Media Management were welcomed at the Berlin campus.

The second matriculation ceremony took place on Tuesday, April 10, at Media University Frankfurt, the university’s newest campus. New Bachelor students of all four courses started their program. They were welcomed by the heads of university and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kothen, site director at the Frankfurt campus.

On Wednesday, the third and final matriculation ceremony of the summer term took place. Media University Cologne’s site director, Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Skottke along with Prof. Dr. Schulz welcomed new students into all four Bachelor and all four Master programs.

Furthermore, three new professors were introduced: Prof. Dr. Sabine Schiffer (Department of Journalism and Communication, Frankfurt), Prof. Dr. Christian Hoffmann and Prof Dr. Carmine Maiello (both Department of Psychology, Berlin). Prof. Dr. Gerald Richter was officially announced as head of Psychology at the Frankfurt campus.