Discovering the latest trends in marketing and e-commerce at Media University

Small courses, individual supervision and the chance to work on exciting hands-on projects convinced Leonie Hübsch to study the B.A. Digital Marketing and E-Commerce. Here she talks about her study routine and her plans for the near future.

Why did you decide to study "B.A. Digital Marketing and E-Commerce"? And what made you choose Media University Berlin?

It was clear to me quite early on that I wanted to study something with marketing, because I found the diversity of the combination of topics from the fields of business, psychology and communication exciting. So I researched where in Germany you can study marketing in a bachelor's program. I came across Media University with its Digital Marketing and E-Commerce degree program. I found the combination with e-commerce interesting, since both fields are closely related, which you can always observe during your studies. The module plan at Media University also convinced me the most, since a lot of emphasis is placed on practical projects during the course. In addition, aspects such as the central location in Berlin, the small course size and the professors experienced in the field also convinced me of Media University Berlin.

Which project/course did you like best so far? Why?

It's hard for me to decide which course was best. I'm wavering between Consumer Behavior and User Experience. In Consumer Behavior, we went into much more depth about behavior and thought patterns and became a bit more psychological. Whereas in User Experience we were taught new knowledge in a very practical way. We were able to conduct our own usability tests and try out eye tracking.  

Apart from that, I always liked the guest lectures by experts or companies that were spread throughout the course, because they gave us completely different insights.

Did you get any further work experiences that you would like to share with us?

I developed an affiliate marketing concept for a software product of an agency as part of a working student job. First of all, operational decisions had to be made. For example, how sensible it is to use an affiliate network. Then the process could be outlined in detail and the first partners were sought.

What’s your advice for students who decide to study at Media University?

Be patient at the beginning. Especially in the first semesters, many basic modules are taught that do not always relate to the Digital Marketing and E-Commerce degree program. The more exciting courses come later. Be prepared to write a term paper instead of an exam. Otherwise, you don't have to worry too much beforehand. You can always reach the lecturers and they are also open to suggestions for improvement. To a certain extent, you can take part in shaping your studies. It depends on your motivation.


Now you're about to write your bachelor's thesis: On what are you working and how did you come up with the topic?

I have not yet defined my exact topic. Currently, I am very interested in the development of the metaverse or the use of virtual and augmented reality technologies in marketing and e-commerce. I am particularly interested in how these new trends are perceived by consumers. Before I start writing my bachelor's thesis, I still have to do my internship. Maybe I'll get a new idea there.

What are your plans for the time after your graduation?

I haven't made a final decision on that yet either. In any case, it's clear to me that I want to do a master's degree. Whether I do it right after my bachelor's degree or work for a year first depends on how the internship goes.

Thank you for the insights into your studies at Media University. All the best for your internship and your bachelor thesis!