HMKW becomes Media University of Applied Sciences

New design, new logo, new name: HMKW University of Applied Sciences for Media, Communication and Business is now operating under the new name ‘Media University of Applied Sciences’ (MU). This rebranding strengthens the international presence and marks the beginning of a comprehensive innovation program.

[Translate to englisch:] das neue Logo

It took a lot of time, work and thought, but now it's official: HMKW is now called Media University of Applied Sciences and has a new, modern design.

Expanded study programs and international orientation

The old range of courses will remain the same with all accreditations, but will be expanded with new study formats such as one-year Master's programs, dual study courses and distance learning options. The new name and the new orientation are intended to increase the university's appeal, particularly in the important international markets. A particular focus is on the integration of current technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, which are taught in new Master's degree programs. Collaboration with practice partners from the media industry will also be intensified in order to promote knowledge transfer.

Positive response and successful rebranding parties

The previous rebranding parties in Cologne and Berlin were very well received by students and staff. Rector Prof. Dr Klaus-Dieter Schulz emphasises: ‘Media University - we are now getting to the heart of our brand already in our name...’. Managing Director Anke Czyborra adds: ‘The change of name to Media University marks another important milestone in the transformation phase. The next steps, such as the further development of internal structures and the introduction of new degree programmes, will follow.’ 

The Media University is looking forward to further development and is starting into a promising future full of energy.