New Open Access publication on gamification

We are very pleased to announce the publication of the new open access book "Gamification for Innovators & Entrepreneurs - Using Games to Drive Innovation and Facilitate Learning" by Prof. Dr. Henning Breuer (Department of Psychology at Media University Berlin) and his colleagues John Bessant and Sune Gudiksen.

The book is designed to empower readers to use, repurpose and create games that will help solve the great societal and organisational challenges that companies, startups and nonprofits are facing today – games that are explicitly designed and can be iteratively improved to engage stakeholders, facilitate experimentation and actually drive innovation.

The book itself can be downloaded (as PDF or ePub) free of charge (by students and anyone else interested). For a more in-depth study of the topic, however, it is also worthwhile to use the printed version, which is also available at the above link.