How to start a business "as easy as pie"

Media University student Julius Heyers has long enjoyed working with children and young people. Since the beginning of the year, he has been passing on his business know-how to students as part of IW JUNIOR - and won a Deutschlandstipendium at the start of the semester. We interviewed the dual B.A. Media and Business Psychology student.

HMKW student Julius Heyers with the scholarship certificate.

HMKW student Julius Heyers with the scholarship certificate.

Dear Mr. Heyers, first of all, congratulations once again on winning the Deutschlandstipendium! In what situation did you learn about it?

Thank you! I was sitting in class at Media University, so I didn't take the call at first. Then I received an e-mail and my seatmates also knew right away. It was a very nice surprise, because I hadn't really expected it.

You are studying media and business psychology in the B.Sc. program. What made you choose this course of study?

I was influenced by the fact that I had already taken psychology as a subject during my school years, even as an advanced course in high school. Although I find the therapeutic direction interesting, I have long been fascinated by business psychology. In combination with media psychology like at Media University - and as a dual course of study, because I'm studying dual courses - I haven't found any other course of study with so much practical experience.

Which subject do you particularly like?

At the moment, I find UX (user experience, editor's note) or usability particularly exciting, but also social psychology.

Now, it's not only outstanding grades that count for potentially winning the Deutschlandstipendium, but also special commitment. What could that have been in your case?

I can imagine that my previous and current work with children and young people was a decisive factor, which I really enjoy. Already as a student I gave swimming lessons to children between the ages of four and twelve. In the meantime, I work for the Institute of German Business in Cologne and pass on my knowledge of business administration and business start-ups to young people. That means I lead workshops for IW JUNIOR on entrepreneurship, start-ups, taxes or marketing. I acquired some of this knowledge in my first semesters at Media University, but also in training courses at IW. In this way, students are taught important economic knowledge in the context of quasi-simulated business start-ups.

And last but not least, how do you actually manage a full-time course of study, and a dual course at that, and a job like yours - do you have any time management tips?

It is indeed not that easy sometimes! I also had quite a bit of respect for tackling both at the same time. I am very grateful that we were given a day off from lectures, because we dual students also have a day of vocational school to complete. And it's very helpful to be able to take a home office day once in a while as part of my job. In any case, it's important to plan everything well!

Thank you very much for the interview and good luck with your studies and your work with pupils!