Winter semester starts with enrollment ceremony at Media University

The winter semester 2023 has begun and the new Bachelor and Master students have already received a warm welcome. There was a good atmosphere at the matriculation ceremonies at our sites in Berlin, Cologne and Frankfurt.

Students celebrating with their family

The events began with a formal ceremony at which the new students were admitted to Media University. The Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ronald Freytag as well as the professors of the departments warmly welcomed the students and encouraged them to start their academic journey with enthusiasm and curiosity.

After the inspiring opening speeches, the matriculation certificates were ceremoniously handed over in the circle of friends and family as well as the Media University team.

The board members of the General Student Committee (AStA) also introduced themselves and invited their new fellow students to the events organized especially for the freshmen, such as the pub crawls or beer pong tournaments.

At the end of the ceremony, students and their families were invited to a festive reception. 


On October 04 and 05, the new students were ceremonially enrolled in Berlin. We are pleased to welcome a particularly large number of dual students and international master's students this year.

Why the students have chosen to study media at Media University and what the professors are particularly looking forward to is made clear in the following video.

[Translate to englisch:]


In Cologne, the matriculation ceremonies took place on September 28 and 29. The new students will certainly remember the special speech by site director Prof. Dr. Eva Eick, in which she explained vividly and wittily how students should allocate their resources. 

Another highlight was the live call to student Chiara Tiedemann, where everyone could listen to her being told that she had won the Germany scholarship.

Photos: Werner Sieß


There was also a cheerful atmosphere at the last matriculation ceremony on October 06 in Frankfurt.

After the welcome speech by Chancellor Prof. Dr. Freytag, he presented flowers to student Fatbardha Agusi and congratulated her on winning the Germany scholarship. Later, those interested were able to take part in a campus tour and exchange ideas with lecturers and fellow students over drinks and snacks.

We wish everyone a great start to October and hope you enjoy your media studies!