Cooperation partners in detail

Media University collaborates with a number of partners in order to link academic studies with the professional requirements of the job market in the best possible way.

AIDA Cruises

As part of the course "Practice of Media and Event Management", a practical cooperation with AIDA Cruises took place in the winter semester 2017/2018. In this context, the students worked on practical tasks in the areas of influencer marketing and event organization, among others.

ALBA Group

The ALBA Group was a project week partner of Media University Berlin in the summer semester 2017. Within one week, students from all departments developed campaigns and multimedia concepts for the recycling company. In autumn 2017, the winning teams visited the impressive ALBA sorting plant for lightweight packaging. In addition, all participants were invited to attend home games of the first division basketball team ALBA BERLIN.

Amnesty International

For the section of the Federal Republic of Germany e.V. an advertising spot for student target groups was developed and supported with student know-how and expert knowledge of Media University in the conception of the advertising material. In addition, Amnesty International Germany provided a jury for the selection of the semester final projects.

Audicon GmbH

Conception of standard icon sets; creation of an infographic for websites and PowerPoint presentations for customer communication

Balu und Du

Balu und Du brings young adults together with elementary school students in a nationwide mentoring program. Media University students support the project in the field of public relations.

Bundesverband Verbraucherinitiative e.V.

As part of the "Step by step together through the Internet" project, there is close cooperation with the Verbraucher Initiative e. V. and the Digital Compass initiative. In this context, lectures and workshops on how to use the Internet are held on a regular basis. These events are aimed in particular at senior citizens.


The Landesverband Hessen of the BUND Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland e.V. supported the Frankfurt Department of Design at Media University as a cooperation partner for the urban gardening project "Bahnhofsgrün. Biodiversity at Rödelheim Station".


Over a period of one and a half years, the Federal Center for Health Education and Prof. Dr. S. Köhler developed a nationwide competition on the topic of "Alcohol Prevention", in which Prof. Köhler was a member of the jury as an expert for new media.


In collaboration with Charité, Media University students developed two advertising campaigns on the topics of pain management and ethics and the development of ethical practice in Germany.

In addition, a collaboration took place as part of the awarding of the media scholarship.

DEFA Stiftung

The cooperation took place as part of the awarding of the Media University media scholarship and included the creation of marketing concepts for a board game based on a DEFA fairy tale film. In addition, Die DEFA-Stiftung provided the jury for the selection of the Media University scholarship holders.

Deutsche AIDS Stiftung

The cooperation included the sponsoring of the GIVE magazine 01 on the topic of AIDS and was carried out within the framework of the course of studies in Business Psychology in the subject: "Support, Sponsoring and Cooperation".

Deutsche Bahn

In the course of the "Secured Urban Transportation" project, the students created a video clip for internal company security training.

As part of the 10-day project week "Security at Deutsche Bahn", students from all disciplines created posters, radio and film contributions and conducted surveys.

Deutscher Bundestag

In the course of the 10-day project phase at Media University, students from various disciplines examined the internal communication system of the German Bundestag. Among other things, they created contributions for radio and TV as well as the web.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen

The German Society for the United Nations e.V. (DGVN) was Media University's cooperation partner for the Media University Media Scholarship in the summer semester 2015.

Deutsche Kinder- und Jugendstiftung

Students of Journalism and Corporate Communications created a documentation for the German Children and Youth Foundation on the 7th All-Day School Congress on November 12 and 13, 2010 in Berlin.

Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (DRK)

The German Red Cross and the German Stem Cell Donor Center were Media University's first cooperation partners in offering the Media University Media Scholarship in the 2013/14 winter semester.

Deutsche Stammzellspenderdatei

The German Stem Cell Donor Center (DSSD) and the German Red Cross (DRK) were Media University's first cooperation partners in offering the Media University Media Scholarship in the winter semester 2013/14.

Deutsche Welle

During the 10-day Deutsche Welle project week at Media University Berlin in the summer semester of 2016, students from all disciplines developed marketing, online news-game and instant messaging concepts for the German international broadcaster.

Diakonisches Werk Bayern

Semester project for students of B.A. Graphic Design and Visual Communication in the module "Design Process and Creativity" in the summer semester 2013, topic "Appearance", for Diakonisches Werk Bayern, Nördlingen.

Digital Kompass

As part of the project "Step by Step Together Through the Net," there is close cooperation with Verbraucher Initiative e. V. and the Digital Compass initiative. In this context, lectures and workshops on how to use the Internet are held on a regular basis. These events are intended to appeal in particular to senior citizens.


For the non-profit association Oase Benedikt Labre e.V., which publishes the homeless magazine Draussenseiter, a paper review and market analysis was carried out for the issues in the Print Journalism seminar.

ECE Projektmanagement

Within the project "Von Wegen" several variants for a wayfinding system in the Volkspark Humboldthain were developed on behalf of ECE Projektmanagement GmbH & Co KG.


In the course of the cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration NRW, a radio project "Police and Violence" was realized to address the topic of media competence for prospective police officers. For this purpose, audio interviews were recorded and a podcast/radio program was produced.

Fairplayer Manual

Within the cooperation, concepts were developed for the media presentation of the fairplayer initiative on the topic of violence prevention in schools.

Fedrigoni Deutschland GmbH

In cooperation with Fedrigoni, promotional materials were designed and an event was organized for the open day.

Google Future Workshop

As part of the "Digital Economics" course, a Google workshop on the topic of "Introduction to Online Marketing and SEA" was held in November 2017. In addition, Google employees were guest speakers on the topic of "Market Research" in May 2016 and students of the Media and Event Management course visited Google's Hamburg office as part of a field trip in July 2017.

Healthcare IT for Africa e.V.

The collaboration consisted of several parts and ranged from educational film production to representing the association to advertising potential development and poster campaign. A website, blog, and mission statement strategy was also developed, as well as a strategy for contacting various target groups for the purpose of acquiring donations of expertise, time, place, and materials.

Healthcare IT for Africa e.V. provided a jury to select the best semester final projects.

Hertha BSC

In the summer of 2013, Media University and Hertha BSC organized a project week for all four departments, which were working together on a fan recruitment campaign for the first division soccer club. In addition, there is close research cooperation regarding projects on the topics of customer satisfaction and stadium equipment, which are also being worked on in the form of bachelor theses, among other topics.

Initiative Media

Initiative Media is a regular partner in connection with lectures on media planning and consulting, company visits and media workshops.


The Jugendmedientage (now: YouMeCon) is one of the largest congresses for young media makers in Germany and was hosted by HMWK in Berlin in 2019 and 2021!

Jugendpresse Deutschland

The Youth Press Germany is the federal association of the state youth press associations and organizes the annual Jugendmedientage (now: YouMeCon) which was a guest at the Media University Berlin in 2019 and 2021.

Junior Uni Wuppertal

Cooperation project with the Junior Uni Wuppertaler Kinder- und Jugend-Universität für das Bergische Land gGmbH in the summer semester 2014 in the module "Design in Space" of the B.A. Graphic Design and Visual Communication: New concept and implementation library and entrance area.

Emil Kammerer GmbH

Practical project in the design department: new conception of the company logo.

Kölner Verkehrs-Betriebe AG

Realization of a video talk show, recorded in a train of the Cologne public transport company, conception of the PR strategy and editorial production

Lapin Yliopisto

Cooperation project with the University of Lapland, Rovaniemi (FIN): Development of a multinational design magazine by students of the B.A. Graphic Design and Visual Communication (DAAD funded) in summer semester 2012.

Mediengruppe RTL

Among other topics, students of the B.A. Journalism and Corporate Communications dealt with public relations for the RTL telethon and the RTL - Wir helfen Kindern e.V. foundation as part of a PR practice project.

Operndorf Afrika

The cooperation took place as part of the Media University media scholarship award. The applicants were commissioned to create a social media concept with the aim of publicizing the opera village project.

Oya Medien eG

A semester-long project at Media University with the goal of providing conceptual and editorial support for the magazine "Oya - thinking differently. living differently".

Pfaff Marketing GmbH

In the course of the cooperation, an examination of the existing wayfinding system of the Lahn Dill Kliniken took place.


Students of the Department of Journalism and Communication from the Berlin Campus run the newsroom of re:publica 18 and 19 as "Shifted News" under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Ranty Islam.

ROC | Rundfunk- und Sinfonieorchester

An exposé, script and corporate design strategy was developed for the Rundfunk und Sinfonie Orchester Berlin - ROC - to attract a youth audience.

SAP Next-Gen

SAP Next-Gen was a project week partner of Media University Berlin in the summer semester 2018. 

SevenOne Media GmbH

As part of a research seminar, a study on the topic of "media use during the course of the day" was conducted together with the advertising time marketer of ProSiebenSat.1 AG, SevenOne Media GmbH. Students used various methods of empirical social research (surveys, observation, diaries) to record the use of different devices and content and to compare the quality of the respective methods.

Tanzrauschen e.V.

In the winter semester 2013/14, students of the B.A. Graphic Design and Visual Communication led by Prof. Dr. Markus Schröppel had a cooperation project with Tanzrauschen e.V.. International Dance on Screen Festival 2014.

transfer e.V.

Design of the annual report for transfer e.V., a provider of independent child and youth welfare services in the field of counseling and qualification. Module "Prepress/Press" of the B.A. Graphic Design and Visual Communication in the summer semester 2016.

Universität Leipzig

For the University of Leipzig, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Köhler acted as a reviewer in the appointment process for a W1 professorship and provided his expertise as a journalism scholar and journalist.


The large Swedish energy company cooperated with Media University in the summer of 2014 for the project week Berlin: Energy of the Future. A total of around 200 students worked on 10 different tasks, the results of which were of current relevance to Vattenfall employees.

Der Weisse Ring e.V.

The Weisse Ring was acquired as the second cooperation partner for the Media University media scholarship in the summer semester of 2014. Media University students and applicants were able to apply with a high-profile contribution in the form of an event, a video or similar in the spirit of the work of the White Ring.

World Publishing Expo

Accompanying media coverage, conducting and evaluating surveys at the World Publishing Expo.


ZDF was Media University's cooperation partner for the project week at the Berlin Campus in the summer semester of 2015.