International Students Testimonies

From psychology studies to corporate health management

Nadja Schleif (B.A. Media and Business Psychology) was able to take up work immediately after her studies: She has since her graduation been working as a consultant for company health management and organizational development. What she particularly liked about her studies, what she appreciates about her current job and what qualities students of her subject should have, she reveals in this interview.

What comes to mind when you think about your studies at Media University?

The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of Media University is actually the building, which has remained very present in my memory. The bricks, the staircase, the corridors and the view from the teaching rooms to the beautiful church next to Gartenplatz.

You acquired a Bachelor of Arts in Media and Business Psychology at Media University Berlin. What is your current job position?

I now work as a consultant in an external company for occupational health management and organizational development. In my work, I am active in large corporations and small companies in a non-industry-specific manner. I support my clients e.g. in implementing and controlling healt management processes, conducting employee surveys and in workshops and training courses for employees and managers.

Did you get any further work experiences prior to your current position that you would like to share with us?

I have been working in this position since my studies and therefore can't tell you anything more about other professional experiences.

When did you figure out your preferred career path? How much was your choice influenced by the compulsory internship?

The internship played a very important role in my choice of career! Through the internship I came across my current field of work and also my current employer for the first time. I have been working in this company since my internship and was taken on there after my graduation.

Why did you decide to study “Media and Business Psychology”? And what made you choose Media University Berlin?

In my time, the course of study "Business Psychology" in Berlin was still a little exotic. As the course of studies was the main reason for my choice, I decided to study at Media University at that time. Furthermore, I also found the teaching form of a private university very attractive (small groups, no huge lecture halls). I found the personal interaction between professors and their students very pleasant and helpful. In my opinion, a further plus point is the strong practical orientation that Media University maintains as a private university.


Which contents of your studies are part of your current job? How do your studies help you in your work routine?

For me personally, the contents from the modules " Occupational and Organizational Psychology", "Business Psychology" and "Personnel and Personality Psychology" are the most relevant.

What do you like most about your current job position? What is your biggest challenge?

What I particularly appreciate about my work is the very direct exchange with the customers, i.e. the employees and managers. A major challenge is the "filter function" in the communication of my position. At the end of a typical project, it is always a matter of bringing together all relevant topics from many different workshops and teams, e.g. for the management. To consider all essential points from the point of view of the employees and at the same time to derive a binding procedure for responsible persons is the most difficult and at the same time most important aspect of my work.

What would you tell fellow students that study at Media University?

I would advise new students to stay open and curious. Take advantage of the opportunities that exist especially at universities like the Media University! The direct cooperation with companies and the practice-oriented structure of the study programs offer students many opportunities that should definitely be used by proactively approaching interesting employers.

Which characteristics should students have that want to study „B.A. Media and Business Psychology“?

I think one of the most important qualities for students at Media University is enthusiasm. Young people in our generation find it increasingly difficult to recognise which path they actually want to take (even if such a decision usually is not very final). Especially the programs at Media University offer a wide range of different opportunities in later professional life. I have seen this as one of the main advantages.

Many thanks for the exciting insights, Ms Schleif. We wish you all the best for your future!