International Students Testimonies

Conquering new horizons: Svetlana Pavelko on her work as a marketing specialist

As early as 2016, we spoke with Svetlana Pavelko, graduate of B.A. Journalism and Corporate Communications, about her entry into professional life. What has changed since then? What new experiences has she gained? In the interview, Svetlana Pavelko now reveals more about her current work as a marketing specialist in the medical field and what goals she has set herself for the future.

Svetlana Pavelko is now working in marketing at the Swiss company Sanoptis.

Svetlana Pavelko is now working in marketing at the Swiss company Sanoptis.

What comes to mind when you think about your studies at Media University?

Lots, lots of practice and interactive lectures. I don't know whether the learning lessons are still designed in the same way today - certainly many things have changed. I really liked the fact that you could always talk directly to the lecturers. I have always loved discussions.

We have already talked to you about your career start in 2016. At that time you were working as a marketing employee and graphic designer. What is your current job position?

I am a marketing specialist in the medical field and work for a Swiss company - Sanoptis, the innovative ophthalmology network. I look after our clinics both offline and online. Currently we are trying to bring all our partners on the same level, i.e. website relaunch, social media campaigns, new print material. I also manage an e-learning project together with a colleague.

Which contents of your studies are part of your current job? How do your studies help you in your work routine?

In marketing, you have to stay up to date and keep up to date with the latest news - be it innovative tools, algorithms or color trends. At Media University we dealt with project planning quite intensively and that helped me a lot. Especially with large projects you have to know exactly what you are doing and how to distribute tasks between other participants. Also the definition of a goal is essential.

What do you like most about your current job position? What is your biggest challenge?

My work is versatile. Every day looks different from the next. Creative tasks involve important decisions, especially when it comes to content for social media. The biggest challenge is to stay focused and always know where the journey is going.

Which recent private/professional project are you particularly proud of?

It may sound funny now that I call this a "project", but I finally acquired German citizenship in 2019 and this process took me 3 years. Now I am learning Italian and getting a driving licence.

Could you tell us more about the application phase after your graduation?

I have to admit - I am lucky, because my work has always "found" me and not vice versa. Since I was contacted, I can only advise everyone to take care of his or her own LinkedIn profile. And, what is also important: Be as creative as possible when designing your CV. Let your future employers feel your personality. It doesn't always have to be straightforward and tabular.


What would you tell fellow students that study at Media University? What would you yourself have liked to know earlier?

Don't be afraid of rejection and learn as much as possible. If you decide to go into marketing, you'll need everything there is - every knowledge counts. I wish I had had more computer science lessons or asked more questions. I'm always busy with web design and if you work with other agencies, for example, you need to have a good idea of web development so that you can better control the work of others.

What has changed for you since our last conversation in 2016? What are your plans for your professional future?

I have become much more experienced: I have learned many new tools and programs, I have become friends with project management. My goal is to conquer new horizons. I want to make the world a better place - no matter how banal that sounds. Someone will say: "How can you make the world a better place with marketing?" And I then say: "If my measures can bring ophthalmology closer to our patients and take away their fears of a life without glasses, then the world has already become better. Because I'm helping other people - even if it happens indirectly."

Thank you very much for the interview, Mrs Pavelko. We wish you all the best and much success for your future.