International Students Testimonies

At the speed of life: Laura Braeunig on her work as a PR consultant

Laura Braeunig has successfully started her career in the PR industry. After working for rbb Fernsehen and as a freelancer for various companies and agencies, she has been a PR consultant with the agency PIABO since 2019. In the interview she tells how she figured out her preferred career path and how her studies at the Media University Berlin helped her.

Graduate Laura Braeunig is working as a PR consultant.

Graduate Laura Braeunig is working as a PR consultant.

What comes to mind when you think about your studies at Media University?

I had a very formative time at Media University and always enjoyed studying and was interested in learning new things. In the first semester I had a course with Prof. Dr. Schulz on the basics of science. We learned a lot about different philosophical approaches. That gave me a completely different perspective.

You acquired a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Corporate Communications at Media University Berlin. What is your current job position?

I now work as a PR consultant at PIABO, an agency that specializes in PR for tech-driven topics.

Did you get any further work experiences prior to your current position that you would like to share with us?

I was previously a freelancer for rbb Fernsehen. There I worked as an editorial assistant, but I was also able to realize a few contributions as an author. At the same time I worked as a freelancer in the field of PR and content creation - for companies and also for agencies. As the mother of a small son, I decided to change to an employment relationship in order to bring a certain constancy into my working hours.

When did you figure out your preferred career path? How much was your choice influenced by the compulsory internship?

Before my studies I already completed an apprenticeship in the commercial sector. So I wasn't completely inexperienced and have constantly gained experience as a working student during my studies. During my compulory internship at VICE I discovered my interest in editorial work and wanted to work more with the video format. That's how I ended up at rbb and then I was in charge of the editorial realization of video portraits at a start-up - in other words, I was in charge of the entire process. From conception, storyline, and copywriting, in part, to shooting and accompanying the video editing.

Why did you decide to study “Journalism and Corporate Communications”? And what made you choose Media University Berlin?

I was specifically looking for a course of study that combines journalism and managed communication in the Bachelor's degree. I also knew that there would be no better place to study communication than Berlin. Berlin is the capital. Many media companies and agencies are based here and so much is happening here: whether political, social or cultural.


Which contents of your studies are part of your current job? How do your studies help you in your work routine?

It is rather the overall knowledge that I have acquired during my time at Media University and which I apply in my work every day. Knowing how to read and evaluate studies and extract an essence from them is very important for my work. Because here it is necessary to understand complex topics and to put them into a relevant context.

What are your plans for the future?

I would like to become even more versed in the field of PR and gain even more experience. In the medium term, my plan is to use my know-how from video production in my work and to work more as an editor and to realize video productions again. Because the video format is also becoming more and more relevant in PR.

What do you like most about your current job position? What is your biggest challenge?

I love being at the cutting edge. Knowing that the companies we serve partly shape the future. I also like to keep breaking down complex issues to a core in order to understand what is really behind them.


Could you tell us more about the application phase after your graduation?

I specifically searched for PR agencies and quickly came across PIABO. There I also found a suitable job advertisement and simply applied. Afterwards I was invited to two job interviews and was accepted.

What would you tell fellow students that study at Media University?

It was a great advantage for me to work during my studies and to get a taste of professional life. This makes it easier to get started in working life and at the same time gives you a feeling for the field in which you would like to work later.

Which characteristics should students have that want to study „B.A. Journalism and Corporate Communications“?

This is difficult to answer, because it is what makes it exciting when many people with different characteristics meet. Especially in the study program Journalism and Corporate Communications, there is room for many people with different qualities. A basic prerequisite would perhaps be a certain interest in communication and its effects as well as an interest in the media and world affairs.

Thank you very much, Mrs. Braeunig, for sharing your experiences and for the exciting interview. Furthermore all the best for your future!