International Students Testimonies

Augmented Reality in the field of Influencer Marketing

Curiosity, enthusiasm and a dose of less perfectionism - this attitude combined with a good work ethic brought Paulina Elsner, graphic design student at Media University Frankfurt, a permanent position at Media Monks in Amsterdam. She started with an internship in spring 2020 and now works for IMA in the augmented reality department and is also writing her bachelor's thesis about this topic.


[Translate to englisch:] HMKW Frankfurt: Success Story Design: Augmented Reality im Influencer Marketing
  • What comes to mind first when you think of Media University?

At Media University, I was prepared for everything and found out what I was good at. I got to know many different things and thus developed the attitude of being open to everything.

  • Why did you decide to study graphic design at Media University back then?

I have always loved to paint. I am a very curious person who always wants to try new things. For example, during my studies I learned how to use numerous image and video editing programs.

  • Where are you doing your internship and how was the application phase?

I'm doing my internship at IMA, which in turn is part of Media Monks. The specialty is film, websites, games and special effects - basically the entire digital sphere. IMA does influencer and social media marketing.

I was given advice not to apply a year before. So I sent off the application during the semester break before the internship and had several online interviews - two with HR and one with Head of Design. The entire application process was over three to four weeks and I was accepted two days later. They were very much concerned with getting to know me as a person.

  • Why this internship and why Amsterdam?

It was clear to me that I didn't want to stay in Frankfurt. When I came across the website while researching agencies, I saw many advertising campaigns that impressed me. The job description was also kept casual and appealed to me with the introduction "do you have skills like a young Gandalf?" because it was so refreshing. The team is very young and consists of many women, which I like very much. I was then allowed to realize a campaign for Facebook quite quickly, which was fun.

  • What does a typical working day look like?

Calls with customers from Asia sometimes start at six in the morning. Otherwise, there is the weekly team meeting at nine o'clock. We discuss current projects, concepts, designs and sometimes brainstorm directly afterwards. Our current clients are Disney, Fox or Coca Cola. At the moment, I'm working for Champions League, for example. For this we film interviews with big soccer stars like Mario Melchiot, Michael Essien or Dusan Tadic.

  • Which contents of your studies are part of your current job? How do your studies help you in your work routine?

The ability to work and present independently and on one's own responsibility. This is especially helpful for pitches.


  • Are there already tendencies in which direction you would like to go?

The agency offered me a permanent position, which I accepted. I can even write my bachelor's thesis on AR filters here. I'm looking forward to the challenge, even though I'm now working full-time, writing my bachelor's thesis and still taking a few lectures from last semester. But I'm also looking forward to it because I've realized it's the right thing for me.

  • Congratulations for that. What are your plans for the future?

For me, this is the jackpot. Even if for some reason I don't stay here, I have work in my portfolio for renowned brands, like Armani or Facebook. In any case, I'm interested in the technical side. I was actually planning on doing a master's, but now that I have the contract, I'll put that on the back burner for now, especially since I can still do a master's at work. The things I'm interested in are still so new that they don't even exist in the master's program yet.

  • What do you like most about your current job position? What is your biggest challenge?

The demands are high and the pressure is there, e.g. to meet deadlines. But if you do a good job, it is appreciated. I was not treated as an intern from the beginning. The atypical working hours can also be a challenge, you are expected to be available.

  • Which characteristics should students have that want to study „B.A. Graphic Design and Visual Communication“?

A good work ethic, diligence, curiosity and enthusiasm, because there are also customers with whom you can't immediately identify. Also, being able to assess well when perfectionism is needed and being able to switch it off and focus on the big picture when the deadline is approaching.

  • What would you tell fellow students that study at Media University?

You don't always have to be perfect and get top marks in all subjects. It's better to concentrate on doing your own thing, even if your environment might not like it at first. You should follow your own vision. In principle, however, you should also look to the left and right and be open to new impressions and experiences.

Thank you for the interview and we wish you much success in the future!