International Students Testimonies

Alumna Lena Herrgesell organizes weddings and events

Events are Lena Herrgesell's greatest passion. Immediately after her studies of media and business psychology she started her own business as a wedding planner. How does her experience and knowledge from her studies help her in her profession today? We asked her about her everyday work and her time at Media University Berlin.

Lena Herrgesell (B.A. Media and Business Psychology) works now as a event and wedding planner.

Lena Herrgesell (B.A. Media and Business Psychology) works now as a event and wedding planner.

What comes to mind when you think about your studies at Media University?

Interdisciplinary study. Independent work. Lecturers with practical experience.

You acquired a Bachelor of Arts in Media and Business Psychology at Media University Berlin. What is your current job position?

I work as an event and wedding planner, specializing in events abroad. In addition, I also work as a coach on a regular basis. Sometimes both are combined, as psychological training often helps in the organization of events.

Did you get any further work experiences prior to your current position that you would like to share with us?

I've gotten a taste of all kinds of different industries: As a young actress I learned to present myself on stage and in front of the camera. As a journalist, I have learned to express complicated facts as simply as possible. And for Save the Children I spent my "social year" in India. After my studies, however, I immediately focused on working as a wedding and event planner.

When did you figure out your preferred career path? How much was your choice influenced by the compulsory internship?

I knew long ago that I am very passionate about events. Long before my studies, I had already gained experience in the event sector and also organized international events in Dubai, Amsterdam and Istanbul during my studies.

The decisive moment for prioritizing events over other focal points of my studies such as marketing, advertising or HR was my internship in London. Here I was able to support the PR and event team of Fremantle Media in the organization of the 30th anniversary of the TV series Neighbours. It was a great event and the feedback of my work there showed me once again: I love to help people create unforgettable celebrations.

Why did you decide to study “Media and Business Psychology”? And what made you choose Media University Berlin?

The emotional world of people has always touched me and to understand the psyche better has always fascinated me. During my school years I had therefore chosen psychology as a major subject and after school I wanted to pursue the study of human beings.

I ended up at Media University because I wanted to start right away. Even if I had passed my Abitur with an A grade I would have had to try out other branches for another five years before I could have studied in Berlin.


Which contents of your studies are part of your current job? How do your studies help you in your work routine?

My profession is incredibly versatile, so that almost all contents find their application in my work: Personality psychology, strategic marketing and management, advertising, interculturalism, social skills, business administration. Even statistics: Just recently I organized the 3-day wedding of a bridal couple on a chartered ship. Of course, the drinks had to be precisely calculated. In addition, I wrote my bachelor thesis on the influence of social media on wedding ideas and thus studied the market very intensively.

What are your plans for the future?

I’m looking forward to continue creating unique celebrations for my clients and at the same time to continue developing myself. Furthermore, my passion for culinary arts is increasingly merging with my profession. New projects are currently being created here. Due to the many travels I currently get to know the field of destination marketing.

What do you like most about your current job position? What is your biggest challenge?

Event planning is complex. It constantly challenges you and I can constantly make progress. I meet many exciting, creative people and learn to work in different cultures. Due to my specialization in intercultural weddings and various destinations I travel a lot and work at great places in the world. Weddings are demanding, emotional and incredibly positive.

From my point of view, there is no better occasion than to celebrate love and as a wedding planner I have the opportunity to make the "most beautiful day in life" a truly unforgettable event for the bridal couple and their guests. And usually the feedback from the bridal couple is overwhelming.

In addition, the market is currently developing strongly in Germany. If you compare it with the USA or England, a lot of catching up is going on here. More and more people understand how valuable it is to invest in wedding planning. Not least because of this, the market is highly competitive.

When did you start your own business?

I was lucky that I could start my own business successfully right after my graduation. When you work independently, you are always busy with the acquisition of new clients. Of course, my aim is to make every customer as happy as possible.

What would you tell fellow students that study at Media University?

Many lecturers react positively to deeper interest. Therefore, I recommend to use the existing practical orientation and to get into conversation with the lecturers. I would also always recommend taking every opportunity to gain experience abroad.

Which characteristics should students have that want to study „B.A. Media and Business Psychology“?

Openness. Creativity. Discipline. Willingness to work independently.

Thanks for the exciting interview, Ms. Herrgesell. We wish you many successful event projects and much pleasure in your profession.