International Students Testimonies

Turning a hobby into a profession: Akeel Schilde on his career entry into the gaming industry

Computer and video games are Akeel Schildes great passion. So it was clear to him early on that he would like to work in this diverse industry. Since November, he has been working as a Partner Management Specialist at ComboStrike, a Berlin-based agency specializing in the games industry. In the interview he talks about his previous professional experiences and reveals what he enjoys most about his job.

Akeel Schilde works at the ComboStrike agency.

Akeel Schilde works at the ComboStrike agency.

What comes to mind when you think about your studies at Media University?

I'm thinking of the friendships I've made. I met two special people with whom I am still very good friends after all this time and we meet regularly. What was especially positive for me at Media University was that I always felt well looked after. Even when there were problems, I always found a contact person who helped me.

You acquired a Bachelor of Arts in Media and Business Psychology at Media University Berlin. What is your current job position?

I am a partner management specialist at ComboStrike. ComboStrike is a 360° marketing agency from Berlin. We are specialized in gaming and have a team that focuses on influencer marketing.

Did you get any further work experiences prior to your current position that you would like to share with us?

I was only able to gain real work experience during my internship semester. Connections are important. I am not a super social person. I like my quiet time and I don't like to go to parties. But every now and then you have to grit your teeth and also have conversations with unpleasant people. This can lead to incredibly cool cooperation and job opportunities.

When did you figure out your preferred career path? How much was your choice influenced by the compulsory internship?

At the time of my studies I had no concrete idea what I wanted to do later. I just often had the thought that I would like to work in the games industry, because gaming has always been a big part of my life. My internship helped me to put this existing career wish into concrete terms, as I worked in marketing in a Fintech company during my internship.

Why did you decide to study “Media and Business Psychology”? And what made you choose Media University Berlin?

When I was looking for courses of study, I had two ideas: Either Media or Psychology. But I was sure I didn't want to study clinical psychology. At some point I wondered if there was a combination of both subjects, as I always wanted to study the impact of media (especially video games) on people. But there was no university that combined these two subjects - except Media University. So everything was clear to me!

Which contents of your studies are part of your current job? How do your studies help you in your work routine?

As I work with very big game developers - including YouTube and Twitch personalities - it helps me to remember the courses on B2B and B2C. This helps me to know how to deal with each customer.

What are your plans for the future?

A short term plan is to get to grips with my current job for the time being, as I have only been working there since the beginning of November. Even though I started leading campaigns on my third day there! A little bit of self-praise should be allowed.


What do you like most about your current job position? What is your biggest challenge?

At my workplace, I particularly appreciate the fact that only gamers work here. The interests of my colleagues and my interests match perfectly. All my colleagues are nice and I never have a restless or otherwise bad feeling about going to work and I wouldn't trade that for anything. I do not want to experience the day when I hate getting up every morning and going to work. Of course, there are days when work is stressful or things don't go as they should. But that's what happens in everyday working life.

Could you tell us more about the application phase after your graduation?

After my studies I had idle for half a year, because I just needed a break. When I started looking for a job, I didn't want to just do anything. I already had a relatively certain picture in my head. When I came across ComboStrike, I immediately applied there. Because gaming and social media (Youtube and Twitch) are already two big parts of my spare time. The possibility to make these two hobbies to my profession was reason enough for me not to hesitate any longer. Fortunately, I have never been rejected after an interview before.

What would you tell fellow students that study at Media University?

Be open to new thoughts. You don't have to know immediately what you want to do. It's good to have a general idea, of course. But I suppose you were already thinking about that when you decided on this study program.

Which characteristics should students have that want to study „B.A. Media and Business Psychology“?

Be efficient! I am always trying to do my work quickly. My colleagues know by now how I am, that I work efficiently and carry out my tasks quickly and efficiently. Furthermore, the success and recognition of the company and the satisfaction of my customers give me a good feeling.

Thank you for the interesting interview, Mr Schilde. We wish you all the best and much pleasure in your work.