International Students Testimonies

“Most of the time it doesn’t really feel like work”

Great freedom and individual supervision by our lecturers: Graduate Lennart Richter particularly appreciated these both aspects during his time at the Media University Berlin. After studying M.A. Convergent Journalism, he worked in various PR agencies. Recently, he has started to work as a freelancer. In the interview he tells us more about his current projects and his plans for the future.

Graduate Lennart Richter (M.A. Convergent Journalism) has started to work as a freelancer recently. te to englisch:] Absolvent Lennart Richter (M.A. Konvergenter Journalismus) hat sich mittlerweile selbstständig gemacht.

Graduate Lennart Richter (M.A. Convergent Journalism) has started to work as a freelancer recently.

What comes to mind when you think about your studies at Media University?

A lot of freedom to try things out and support from all sides.

You acquired a Master of Arts in Convergent Journalism at Media University Berlin. What is your current job position?

Until recently, I was still a PR manager in the project management of a Berlin agency. Currently, however, I'm a freelancer and do all kinds of creative things around media. This currently ranges from PR to the production of YouTube videos and music for a yet-to-be-announced Hollywood production.

Did you get any further work experiences prior to your current position that you would like to share with us?

Before my graduation at Media University, I had already worked in several communication agencies and since my high school days I have been working as a musician and DJ with some success.

Why did you decide to study “Convergent Journalism”? And what made you choose Media University Berlin?

After a bachelor's degree in communications management and several years of agency work in the PR sector, I always had the impression that the industry was not sufficiently familiar with the actual needs of modern journalism. In this respect, a degree in journalism seemed to me to be the most sensible way to expand my qualifications. However, my studies broadened my horizon more than I had expected, so that I now feel at home in all disciplines of media communication.

Which contents of your studies are part of your current job? How do your studies help you in your work routine?

There are many contents that could be named. What is used in practice and what not depends of course on the individual case. The basic understanding of things and the feeling for topics and connections, which you learn during your studies, always helps you in your professional life.


What are your plans for the future?

It remains to be seen whether I will work as a freelancer in the long term. In any case, I would like to write a book that I have been thinking about for several years.

What do you like most about your current job position? What is your biggest challenge?

You don't just sit in the office and most of the time it doesn't really feel like work. Challenges usually come your way on a regular basis, but that's the nature of the industry. Since everyone has to learn something new all the time, you practically inevitably become an autodidact, "academic background" or not. It is often a challenge to acquire new knowledge within a short time and to be able to put it into practice.

Could you tell us more about the application phase after your graduation?

I was already employed by an agency before my studies. I worked there until recently. So, I have not yet gone through a classic application phase. But you can see that private universities are enjoying an increasingly good reputation. After my Bachelor's degree (1.3) I often heard in job interviews, that at private universities good grades are for free. In comparison, however, I noticed again and again that students at public universities had much more freedom. In the meantime, however, the higher quality of education is known to many people at the human resources departments.

What would you tell fellow students that study at Media University?

Use the time to make new contacts and try out as many different things as possible. At Media University it is no problem at all to get input from the lecturers for private projects as well, in order to become really good at what you want to do later.

Which characteristics should students have that want to study „M.A. Convergent Journalism“?

One should have no fear of contact, be pragmatic and be able to rethink quickly.

Thanks for the interesting conversation. We wish you much success for the future.