International Students Testimonies

Finding and developing individual talents and strengths

Annabell Duda is in her first semester of B.A. Game Design and Interactive Media at Media University Cologne. Due to the Corona pandemic, teaching has so far taken place online. Nevertheless, the student is happy about her choice of study and would like to encourage prospective students to apply.

Annabell Duda at her best - scribbling on the graphics tablet at HMKW.

Annabell Duda at her best - scribbling on the graphics tablet at HMKW.

Dear Ms. Duda - you are a first-year student in the B.A. Game Design and Interactive Media program, so the application phase is quite recent: Why did you decide to study here at Media University?

One of the reasons I chose Media University was that I didn't have to choose a specialization here, such as game programming. The broad spectrum of the degree program is important to me personally and suits me because I can imagine working independently with my own studio in the future after gaining first experience in the industry and in my career.

"The fact that a portfolio was required for the application shows me that this is about my personal talents and strengths - that is now confirmed in my studies."

I had also taken part in info events at several different universities. The Media University professor from the trial lecture was simply great. We were able to spontaneously present our portfolios and immediately received feedback. The fact that a portfolio is required at all at Media University shows me that it's all about my personal talents and strengths here - this is now also confirmed in my studies.

Fortunately, I was able to apply at very short notice at the beginning of the semester.

Due to the pandemic, the semester has started online. Can you nevertheless already give a first impression of the course of studies?

I would describe the study as interactive. You are involved and challenged a lot. But you are never left alone. The lecturers are really approachable and you can just ask about anything. They always make an effort to focus on individual strengths. And we students also encourage each other. That also works well because we basically all have similar interests, which perhaps gives us particularly a good team spirit. Especially in the early days, other students from higher semesters actually approached me - online!

All in all, things are going well with the organization. For example, we asked for longer breaks between the module blocks, some of which were long, and that was then adjusted. Sometimes there are schedule changes, but everything is caught up. As a result, you get all the material that is on the schedule. And that's quite a lot, by the way!

What is your favorite module and why?

That's difficult to answer, there are several that are worth considering. The lecturers are really good at what they do! And the classes are intense with a great workload. If I have to choose, it's concept art... Or modeling: I started 3D from scratch and had fun with it. I had to get into it first, but I go to class with a good feeling because I know that the professor is there to help me.

Do you already have a concrete career goal or at least an idea regarding the internship?

Of course, I would like to work in a game design company, but everything else is still completely open. I'm sure I won't become a programmer, but otherwise my studies will give me an insight into many other areas. As I said, I think I could imagine founding my own studio at some point in the future.

What advice would you give to university applicants?

Because I had great respect for it myself, I advise prospective students: Please don't be afraid of the study info event or the application - you can actually only win, even if it's advice on what you can do better. There is no application fee. It is best to attend the portfolio consultation or at least an info session beforehand.

Thank you very much for the interview and all the best for your future studies!

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