International Students Testimonies

International customers at a crossmedia agency

Lisa Tinnes is studying Media and Event Management in her fifth semester at Media University in Frankfurt. With her fifth semester she started an internship at AdAlliance (IP Germany) for the team "Interactive Solutions". Currently she works from home and creates digital concept ideas for clients like Ferrero or Disney.

[Translate to englisch:] Success Story mit Lisa Tinnes (Medien- und Eventmanagement in Frankfurt): Internationale Kunden bei crossmedialer Mediaagentur

What comes to mind first when you think of Media University Frankfurt?

The first thing that comes to mind would be my future opportunities. After I graduated from high school in 2017, I didn't yet know how I wanted to shape my professional future and what field would suit me at all. After I found out that I was interested in digitization and thus the development of the media industry, and that Media University offered a suitable study program, I finally knew which path I wanted to take.

You are studying media and event management. Have you already gained professional experience?

As a working student at HAVAS Media Group in my 3rd and 4th semester, I was already able to learn a lot about the field of "digital marketing" and worked there in campaign management. Through my internship, I also get to know the creative side of online marketing. Here, brainstorming sessions for the appropriate standard special advertising formats and the creation of presentations are among my main tasks.

How did the search for an internship and the application phase go?

Through my internship, I wanted to get to know other areas than I already knew and definitely wanted to work in the media city of Cologne for once.

I searched the Internet for job ads and applied for the position in digital concept marketing at AdAlliance. After a short time I received an invitation to an interview and a week later I was accepted. Shortly after, Corona became more significant, but I was told from the beginning that nothing would stand in the way of a home office internship. However, my application was one of the last to go through during the pandemic.

Why did you decide on the B.A. Media and Event Management program and on studying at Media University Frankfurt back then?

The "Media and Event Management" study program consists of two fields that interest me very much. It was quickly clear to me that I wanted to work in the media industry, but I am also interested in the planning and implementation of larger events. The counselling interview with the student advisory service at Media University finally convinced me.

Which contents of your studies are part of your current job? How do your studies help you in your work routine?

The module "Digital Media Business" helped me a lot because I was able to apply the contents of the lecture very well in my job as a working student (campaign management). In general, however, the content of the practical modules is also very helpful.

What are your plans for the future?

My plan definitely still includes the master's program "Public Relations and Digital Marketing" at Media University, as it fits perfectly with my previous professional experience in digital marketing. I will also work as a student trainee again in the 6th semester. (Whether at AdAlliance in Frankfurt or again at HAVAS is not yet certain). And whether I will complete the master's part-time or as a full-time course of study is still up in the air.

What do you like most about your current job position? What is your biggest challenge?

I think the biggest challenge so far has been the start in the home office. Thanks to my super team, everything went smoothly and I was very well received, but it's still a different starting position. Many impressions that you would have gained in the office are unfortunately lost due to the current situation. But the cohesion within my team is so important to everyone that there is a so-called "coffee call" every morning from 10 a.m. - 11 a.m., where the focus is on the possibility of a relaxed get-together.

Which professional projects that you currently supervise do you particularly like?

Within my internship, I create concepts for Disney movies like Frozen 2, beauty brands like L'oreal, insurance companies like HUK24, Ferrero products like Kinderriegel or, very recently, for the condom brand Durex or the online store Eis. So many areas are covered and the brainstorming sessions for brands like Durex are of course very exciting and very entertaining together with the team.

What would you tell fellow students that study at Media University?

To new students, I would give the advice: Believe in yourself! Even though it's a slogan that everyone knows, that's exactly what I learned at Media University. During the interview with Ms. Walliser, the topic of the Deutschlandstipendium came up. Since my high school diploma wasn't exactly the best, I never thought my chances of getting a scholarship were high. Ms. Walliser explained to me that it wasn't just a matter of academic performance and that I should apply in any case - six months later I had my scholarship in the bag, which of course really gets a good response from companies.

Which characteristics should students have that want to study „B.A. Media and Event Management“?

In my opinion, being open and communicative, always staying positive and seeing the best in everything, even if it's sometimes difficult, is not only an advantage for your studies. A positive aura can simply have a great effect on the person you're talking to.