International Students Testimonies

With diligence and commitment to the Deutschlandstipendium ("Germany Scholarship")

Max Beckmann, student of journalism in Berlin, is one of four lucky winners of a German scholarship for the coming academic year. How did he apply for the popular scholarship and what advice does he have for future applicants? That's what he tells us here.

[Translate to englisch:] Max Beckmann is studying B.A. Journalism and Corporate Communications in his 3rd semester at HMKW Berlin.

Max Beckmann is studying B.A. Journalism and Corporate Communications in his 3rd semester at HMKW Berlin.

Congratulations once again on winning the Deutschlandstipendium, Mr. Beckmann. What was your first thought when you got the news that you had received it?

Thanks for the congratulations, I still remember my first thought pretty well, because I had heard about my selection on the phone. At that moment I thought to myself, " Wow, how cool is that!".

How did you find out about the Deutschlandstipendium and what made you apply for it?

I learned about the Deutschlandstipendium from a good friend while we were talking about the topic of scholarships. I finally looked at the information on the website of the Deutschlandstipendium as well as the Media University and then decided in favor of it because of the connection to the university.

A scholarship that is selected and awarded at my own university was the decisive reason for me to apply for the Deutschlandstipendium at Media University.



What did your letter of motivation say?

In my letter of motivation, in addition to mentioning my professional and student motivation, I used the space to write about myself. By this, I mean above all my volunteer work in a community in Berlin Friedrichshain and likewise my political interest in the Young Liberals in Berlin. However, it was also important for me to explain why I would like to have the Deutschlandstipendium.

What advice would you give to future applicants?

Be bold! I often hear the phrase, "I'm not sure" or "I don't know if I should apply." However, I wasn't sure if I would get the scholarship either and applied anyway. Now I am in my 3rd semester and have received the Deutschlandstipendium, so it is possible! Of course, this requires some diligence, good grades and certainly some commitment, but that is well rewarded in the end.

Thank you very much for the interview. We wish you all the best and much success for the future!