International Students Testimonies

Junior Digital Brand Manager at De'Longhi Group

Matilda Pastorelli studied M.A. International Marketing & Media Management at Media University Campus Frankfurt. In an interview she told us more about her study experiences and her path to work for De'Longhi Braun Household.

What comes to mind when you think about your studies at Media University?

Internationality and passion. My studies at Media University gave me the opportunity to get in touch with students and professors coming from all over the world, which makes you grow not only from a personal point of view, but it also prepares you for an international work atmosphere. In addition to this, the passion and competence of the professors at Media University make the interactive classes absolutely interesting.

Why did you decide to study "M.A. International Marketing & Media Management"?

Attending a Master course abroad was always on my plans because I think it is a good opportunity for growth. During my studies in Milano I took an Erasmus semester in Germany and the experience was really positive for me. For this reason I decided to come back to Germany for my Master's. I decided to study at Media University because it was offering a great balance between theory and practice in the modules. What I also really liked was that the number of students per course was more limited in my case, and this gave me the opportunity to interact in a more direct way with the professors. In particular, I decided to attend the “M.A. International Marketing & Media Management” because my goal was to work in an international company and this course was just the perfect fit for me.

What was your favourite project during your studies?

My favourite project was part of the "Online marketing communication" module and it consisted in creating a digital marketing plan for a real company, in my case Hyundai. The task consisted in analysing the company, the market and the target group and, based on these, develop a full cross-channel digital campaign for the launch of a new product, including estimating the cost of the campaign.
It was a challenging task but I had a lot of fun preparing it and it was a great way to experiment with what we had learned during the course.

At which company and in which department did you do your internship? How did you like it?

In February 2021 I started a 6 months internship at De'Longhi Braun Household in global digital brand marketing. I was really happy because it was what I was looking for to put into practice what I have been studying until then. It was a great experience from which I learned a lot, even if at times it was also challenging since it was a full time internship and I was still finishing my studies.

Where do you work now? What is your current job position?

After my internship the company’s culture and open atmosphere at DeLonghi Braun Household made me apply for a vacant position as Global Junior Digital Brand Manager, which is what I am still doing today. Together with my team, I am responsible for the coordination of the digital activities of Braun Household. We prepare the digital material for new product launches and  international campaigns, and we coordinate the online presence of the brand internationally.
I really enjoy what I am doing, it is what I have been studying for and I love being in such dynamic company.

What´s your advice for students who decide to come to Germany/to Media University to study?

My advice would be to stay patient and determined also in times when this might seem challenging. Take every opportunity you have to get practical experience and exchange opinions with professors and colleagues. 

Thank you Matilda for this interesting interview!