International Students Testimonies

"Work with passion - and you will win!"

For Lena Janovics, graduate of B.A. Media and Business Psychology, it was already clear during her studies that she would like to work in human resources later on. Because she simply loves to work with people! Thanks to her student trainee job at Deutsche Wohnen SE, she was able to start her career right after graduation. In this interview, she talks about her first job position as a recruiter, her plans for the future and her best memories from her student days.

Alumna Lena Janovics is now working in the area of personnel development and recruiting.

Alumna Lena Janovics is now working in the area of personnel development and recruiting.

What comes to mind when you think about your studies at Media University?

Great training for the professional life in the business world! Even though the project weeks were very exhausting, Media University is the best university to prepare for the daily conceptual work in working life. Since I already got to know other study formats before my time at Media University, I am able to draw good comparisons, for example to the TU in Berlin.

You acquired a Bachelor of Arts in Media and Business Psychology at Media University Berlin. What is your current job position?

I joined Deutsche Wohnen SE as a recruiter in 2017. Since this April, I have been coordinator of the Personnel Development and Recruiting team. This means that I have professional management responsibility within the team for the areas mentioned above.

Did you get any further work experiences prior to your current position that you would like to share with us?

Since I have really gained a lot of different practical experience, this would go beyond the scope of this interview. Basically I have always worked in professions that were very people-oriented.

When did you figure out your preferred career path? How much was your choice influenced by the compulsory internship?

Even before I started my studies, I knew that I would like to work in Human Resources, especially in an area with personnel selection. The internship in recruiting at BMW in Munich once again encouraged me to continue on my path in this direction.

Why did you decide to study “Media and Business Psychology”? And what made you choose Media University Berlin?

My previous vocational training as an office clerk had a great influence on my wish, as I had a lot of customer contact there. I realized that I like to work with people. Only on a different level of the business relationship, such as in recruiting. Since Media University not only offers business psychology but also integrates media psychology, I found the subject very appealing. That really proved its worth in the end. Furthermore, I know of larger universities (over 700 people in the lecture hall, sitting on the floor, poor supervision, no contact persons, ...). At Media University I appreciated the small groups, the more intensive supervision by and better contact to the professors, the great organization, equipment, etc. But above all the practical training. It had always been clear to me that I did not want to work in research or science.

Which contents of your studies are part of your current job? How do your studies help you in your work routine?

The (strenuous, but very instructive and for me also successful) project weeks with partners from the business world are very helpful. With the help of a problem definition from everyday business life, the finding of solutions on the basis of a concept and the pitch to decision makers, we were prepared excellently for the professional world. This is now a regular part of my work.

Insights into the project week with the German Savings Banks Association (Sparkasse):


What are your plans for the future?

In fact, my only professional goal is to go to work (almost) every day in a good mood and have fun. If I am able to be even more successful than I am now, I will have achieved everything I wanted. And if we are honest - earning a lot of money is not unimportant. In my private life, goals such as building a house and garden, getting married soon and family planning are on the agenda.

What do you like most about your current job position? What is your biggest challenge?

That I have a lot of variety in my professional life, many new problems that need to be solved, a great boss who supports me endlessly but also challenges me endlessly, a really great team, a good salary, a secure job... The biggest challenge for me at the beginning of the year was the professional advancement from employee to (mini) manager. Of course this was not well appreciated by all team members... But you can only grow if you move outside of your comfort zone.

Could you tell us more about the application phase after your graduation?

Since I joined the company as a working student during my studies and was able to convince my boss of my abilities during this time, I had a very relaxed application phase for my direct career entry.

What would you tell fellow students that study at Media University?

Enjoy the time! Work as a student trainee in a suitable future field of work on the side. And last but not least: keep your eyes open when choosing your career! There is nothing worse than getting stuck in a job that makes you unhappy. I have experienced this with former colleagues... Nobody really enjoys that! If you go to work with passion, you have already won. So find out for yourself which tasks you enjoy and which you don't. For the application phase I can only recommend: Be honest in job interviews. We recruiters notice when someone has learned interview guides by heart.

Which characteristics should students have that want to study „B.A. Media and Business Psychology“?

I don't even know how to reduce this to certain properties. An analytical type of person will be just as successful as a very extroverted character. Motivation is the magic word for me. Students should bring along interest and show this through an intensive examination of the topics as well as suggestions for discussion.

Thank you very much for this pleasant conversation. We wish you much success in achieving your professional and private goals.