International Students Testimonies

Marketing know-how based on theory and practice

Hannah Löhr, a recent graduate in media and business psychology, has been hired by her internship company, the social media agency THE WANTS SOCIAL. In this interview, she talks about the main motives behind her choice of study and the advantages of a practice-oriented study program.

[Translate to englisch:] Hannah Löhr hat an der HMKW den Bachelor-Studiengang Medien- und Wirtschaftspsychologie absolviert. Foto: privat

[Translate to englisch:] Hannah Löhr hat an der HMKW den Bachelor-Studiengang Medien- und Wirtschaftspsychologie absolviert. Foto: privat

Hannah Löhr had decided to study B.A. (now B.Sc.) Media and Business Psychology at Media University Cologne. Not a month passed between graduation and starting her career: Her internship company from her studies, which was also a cooperation partner for her thesis, had already made her a job offer before she had graduated.


Dear Ms. Löhr - first of all, congratulations on your recent graduation! Let's first take a look back: Why did you decide to study media and business psychology back then?

Before I started my studies, I really wanted to work in marketing. At the same time, I also enjoyed topics that dealt with the psyche and human behavior. When I was looking for the ideal course of study, the content of the Media and Business Psychology program at Media University was a perfect fit. By the way, I didn't find this combination at any other university. In an information event on site, Media University made a competent, practice-oriented and at the same time accessible impression on me. What I found particularly appealing was the idea of the Career Day, which takes place once a year*: several companies come together at Media University and present themselves and their work to the students. As a student, you can get up close and personal with the employers and also present your own skills and abilities.

"The subject combination of media and business psychology matched my expectations perfectly and I didn't find a program like that at any other university."


Where and in which position did you do your internship during your studies? Could you apply the contents of your studies?

I did my internship at THE WANTS SOCIAL. I got to know the different areas of the agency (social media marketing, product photography, customer service, ...) and was allowed to get involved in everything, which thus gave me a very good insight into the work of the company. I think a broad-based training in the practice phase is very important to set the first course for the start into professional life. After all, it's my own practical experience that helps me decide how I want to start my career.

Since we often worked analytically during our studies, I was able to apply my knowledge well to the company's reporting. I also benefited from modules such as "Online Marketing" and all the psychological modules when it came to creating and placing advertising and promotional content.

"The combination of theory and practice showed me what career path I wanted to take. In the practice phase, broad-based training is particularly important."


What career goal did you develop during your studies and why?

After graduation, I primarily wanted to work in the field of online marketing. This desire became stronger and stronger throughout my studies and especially during my internships and final theses. Especially during my internship in online marketing, I was able to apply my theoretical knowledge to projects. These included the organization of shootings as well as the creative development of the online presences of the clients I worked for. The combination of theory and practice showed me which professional/career path I would like to take.


Now that you have successfully finished your studies, what is your next professional or further education step?

I started a part-time position as Online & Content Manager at THE WANTS SOCIAL in March. I am very happy that I got this opportunity and can continue to work with my team. As a working student, I already got a lot of trust from my supervisors, so I was eager to stay there. I get support and am allowed to further develop my skills and competencies in training courses and workshops.



"I would recommend choosing a topic for the final thesis that interests them and at the same time relates to their current or dream job."


Do you have any advice for Media University students regarding the thesis and/or the application process for starting a career?

Basically, I would recommend everyone to try out different directions during their studies in order to gain as much professional experience as possible and to make important contacts. Ideally, of course, already in the area in which you would like to work later. This improves your chances on the job market considerably, and it is not uncommon for young professionals to find their first job directly as a result of an internship, a position as a working student, a cooperation as part of their final thesis, etc. During my studies, I also worked at THE WANTS SOCIAL first as a working student, then as an intern and currently as a part-time employee. I was also able to gain a lot of valuable experience in the company for my final thesis, and the thesis itself offered THE WANTS SOCIAL new insights into advertising design, since I wrote it in cooperation with the agency. Therefore, I recommend choosing a topic for your thesis that interests you and at the same time has a connection to your current job or your career goal. This always benefits you in the future and can motivate you even more.

"Students and lecturers worked together to ensure that we actually made the most of the new situation we were facing with the online semester."


What was it like to experience your final year and graduation during the Corona pandemic?

Of course, I was a bit sad at the beginning that the last semester will be held online, and I also had concerns whether an online semester can work that way at all. It was a new situation for all of us, but I quickly realized that our lecturers really made an effort to make the best of the situation for us students and adapted their lectures accordingly. In my opinion, everyone worked together to make sure that we actually got the most out of the situation. For the coaching module, which is more of a practical subject, the university made it possible to have a face-to-face lecture. The hygiene concept also worked great on those days. The face-to-face lecture was a nice opportunity, especially in the last semester, to see everyone again, even if only remotely.


Dear Ms. Löhr, thank you very much for the insights into your career and useful tips!


*Editor's note: Due to the Corona pandemic, the Career Day in 2020 has been cancelled. Whether it takes place in 2021 is still uncertain.