International Students Testimonies

Online marketing & event management at the startup Mindfulife

At the Frankfurt-based startup Mindfulife, Ivona Rimac worked intensively on the topics of mindfulness and meditation. Due to current conditions, she worked from home and acquired new knowledge in the areas of online marketing and search engine optimization. Ivona is studying Media and Event Management at the Frankfurt Campus.

[Translate to englisch:] HMKW Frankfurt Success Story: Online-Marketing & Eventmanagement beim Startup Mindfulife
  • What comes to mind first when you think of Media University?

Then I think of the beginning of a new phase in my life. After graduating from high school, I was able to gain valuable experience abroad and then I knew which direction my way should take. I have always had a passion for organization, creativity and communication. At Media University, I found the perfect study program for me, one in which I can deepen and professionalize my strengths and interests.

  • Why did you decide to study media and event management back then?

At first, I was particularly interested in the event sector. But the media industry, which has to constantly reinvent itself due to digitalization, was also exciting for me. The program combines these two very interesting subject areas and thus offers me a wide range of professional opportunities.

  • Where did you do your internship and what was the application process like?

My first internship at Lufthansa City Center International was unfortunately terminated early due to the effects of the coronavirus, so the search started again. In the process, I came across Mindfulife. The startup focuses on meditation and mindfulness for individuals and businesses. After a phone call and sending in my application documents, I got to know the founders via video chat. A short time later, I received positive feedback and could start!

  • Why did you choose Mindfulife for your internship?

I just love the mission of integrating mental health into people's everyday lives. Physical health is (mostly) trained regularly through sports, but we only take care of mental well-being when problems arise, such as stress, burnout or depression. Besides, working in a startup is an exciting experience: you learn a lot about team spirit, creativity, flexibility and personal responsibility.

  • What were your tasks and how did your typical working day look like?

In social media marketing, I was responsible for managing the social media channels. In the process, I got to know various online marketing tools, developed and implemented campaigns. In this context, I also gained my first experience with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and website management. When needed, I also helped out in the Sales & Operations team and took on general organizational tasks.

  • What did you like most about your job? What was your biggest challenge?

Most of all, I appreciate the people I worked with. I was quickly integrated into the team and was given responsibility right from the start. I was able to contribute my own ideas and learn a lot of new things. One challenge was working from home. It helped me to create a to-do list at the beginning of the week, which I could use as a guide. The regular meetings also gave structure to the week. I recently met the team "live" for lunch for the first time, which was quite a fun experience! Until then, we had only seen each other via the laptop!

  • Which contents of your studies were part of your work? How did your studies help you in your work routine?

When planning a multi-day retreat or various workshops and online events, I was able to apply the study content from the event-specific modules particularly well. Overall, the practical modules were very helpful.

  • What are your plans for the future? Do you already have tendencies in which direction you want to go?

I realized that I really like online marketing in connection with events. In this area, I found a great working student position at the digital marketing agency WITEFIELD, which I'm really looking forward to!