International Students Testimonies

Working as an online editor for the music magazine DIFFUS

From Frankfurt to Berlin. Christopher Nagorr set off for the capital for his mandatory internship to report on the music scene for the online magazine "DIFFUS". He is studying B.A. Journalism and Corporate Communications at the Frankfurt Campus.

Christopher Nagorr, Journalism and Corporate Communications (6th semester)

Christopher Nagorr, Journalism and Corporate Communications (6th semester)

  • What comes to mind first when you think of Media University?

The informal and friendly atmosphere. From the first open day until now in the sixth semester, I have always felt comfortable here and could rely on getting the help and support I need. In addition to evaluations and assessments, you get, above all, important and individual tips for your professional life.

  • You are studying journalism and corporate communications. Why did you choose this study program and what made you choose Media University Berlin?

After graduating from high school, I actually wanted to (seriously) take off as a hurdler and study business on the side to eventually work in marketing or advertising for sporting goods manufacturers. I first studied economics at Goethe University in Frankfurt. After two semesters and passing two out of five exams, I had to admit to myself that this was the wrong path. A friend told me about the "Journalism and Corporate Communications" course at Media University. I had already been dreaming of a career as a TV star since I was a child, and going into advertising was also an option. It was the best decision and I still don't regret it today.

  • You are spending your internship semester in the capital. Where exactly are you doing your internship and how did the application phase go?

I worked as an intern in the editorial department of DIFFUS magazine. At a very early stage, I had applied for selected and much wanted internships at TV and newspapers in the fields of sports and culture, but I didn't get an acceptance letter. About half a year before I started my internship, I came across the DIFFUS Magazine website. The interviews were interesting and I saw the job advertisement for an editorial internship. Without further ado, I shot an application video with my roommate and sent it to Berlin along with the usual documents and a few work samples. Torben Hodan, owner and editor-in-chief of the magazine, got in touch with me and invited me to Berlin. After a sample article and two interviews, I finally got the internship and was delighted.

  • Why did you decide to do an internship at the online magazine Diffus?

On the one hand, because it was the only commitment I had. On the other hand, I really wanted to go to Berlin and explore the world of music. However, this was made more difficult by a general uncertainty about my activities outside the world of sports. Torben was able to take this away from me quickly. He liked my work samples and expressed his interest in working with me. So in the end I felt very comfortable with the decision to move to Berlin for the internship.

  • Before the internship, were you already able to gain professional experience?

Not in the journalistic field. Since graduating from high school, I have managed and built up the social media channels of regional companies. Although I also had to write and produce content, the work in the editorial department is very different.

  • Which contents of your studies are part of your current job? How do your studies help you in your work routine?

There are a lot of techniques and tips that helped me in the internship. But much more important was the diversity of the study content, thinking from both a PR and journalistic perspective. Even the non-course-specific content helps me to think critically and question processes. So I even applied insights from the "Social Sciences" module in my texts about hip-hop.

  • What are your plans for the future?

The studies gave me a lot of impulses to think and made me curious. It shows me that journalism is a good place for me, whether in sports, culture or a completely different department. In the next few years, I'd like to gain more experience, learn a lot and ultimately find a project that I'm passionate about.

  • What do you like most about your current job position? What is your biggest challenge?

In my work, I am able to deal with things that really interest me. In the last six months in particular, I have learned more about music than I had in the previous 22 years. When you look at developments in music history, you suddenly understand why something sounds the way it does and where sound patterns come from that are reused 30 years later. I find that incredibly exciting and my interest in music has grown even more as a result. The challenge is to communicate my enthusiasm and knowledge to the reader in the right way.

  • Which professional projects that you currently supervise do you particularly like?

For one project, I studied the matter of sampling culture and copyright very closely. I wrote an article about five landmark court cases from the music world. During the research, each answer to one question opened up countless new ones. It was exhausting, but when the article was finished, I slept really well.

  • What would you tell fellow students that study at Media University?

Don't enroll in a university just to get a degree. Then you'll end up just as smart as before. The professors "only" give you a helping hand. But you have to do it yourself to really understand the course content. I know best that it seems easier and more relaxed to scroll through Instagram than to open a book. In 99 out of 100 cases, however, the book is the better and, above all, healthier choice.

  • Which characteristics should you ideally have as a student from your program?

You should be open and able to deal with new things. The journalists I've met so far have always described themselves as very curious. If I'm honest, I wasn't like that for a very long time. I often took things for granted and didn't question them. Now I ask a lot more questions and admit to gaps in my knowledge and weaknesses. I think you're in good hands in this program if you're willing to transform yourself every day.

Thank you for the interview and all the best for the future!