International Students Testimonies

Career start in communication design: from hobby to profession

Being open to new things and remaining flexible in your choice of career: Graduate Giny Mateke definitely proved these two qualities after graduating in Journalism and Corporate Communications. She has turned her favourite hobby, graphic design, into a profession and has now been working for 4 years as a communication designer for a medium-sized IT service provider.

Flexible and curious: Graduate Giny Dania Mateke

Flexible and curious: Graduate Giny Mateke

What is the first thing that comes to your mind, when you think about Media University?

At the time I started my studies at Media University (2012), the university was still quite young and unknown. Accordingly, I remember a time with various organizational challenges in a small and manageable learning environment on floors 1 and 2 at Ackerstraße 76. At the same time, I also look back on great friendships and many intensive, instructive and amusing hours with numerous practice-oriented projects, which also took place in cooperation with well-known companies (see the Media University project week).

You acquired a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Corporate Communications at Media University Berlin. What is your current job position?

After I had successfully completed my studies at Media University, my path led me from journalism and corporate communications to the world of graphic design. First I worked for half a year as a media designer in a start-up atmosphere at a food manufacturer. Afterwards I moved on to a medium-sized IT service provider, where I have been working as a communication designer for almost 4 years now.

Did you get any further work experiences prior to your current position that you would like to share with us?

Thanks to the lecture times that enabled me to have a part-time job and the endless possibilities of a big city like Berlin, the time spent studying at the Media University offered the chance to get a taste of the working atmosphere in the desired professional field and thus to make contacts. Thanks to various employers and positions, I have gained references in my CV on the one hand and orientation for my professional future on the other hand. All in all, I experienced a very formative and valuable time alongside my studies, which also contributed significantly to paving the way for my future professional life.

When did you figure out your preferred career path? How much was your choice influenced by the compulsory internship?

This became clearer and clearer throughout the entire course of study and became more and more evident with each further course of the course. The internship, which I was fortunately able to take up in my desired professional field, was made possible by a Media University project week and was a very exciting experience for me. However, as it is in life, not everything always goes as planned. Which led to the fact that in my later professional life a different job followed than the one I aimed for with my degree.

What are your plans for the future?

Unless fate has other plans for me, I will complete my M.A. in Corporate Communications and Rhetoric in the spring of 2021. I hope this will open up new opportunities for my career, although graphic design will always be a part of me and will continue to accompany me.


What do you particularly like about your work/your extra-occupational master's degree and what is your biggest challenge?

I particularly appreciate the creativity and variety that is required in design and communication professions. On the other hand, I find it a disadvantage that the work involved is very much tied to the desk and that most of the work is done sitting down. Exercise in everyday professional life is always a welcome change for me.  

Could you tell us more about the application phase after your graduation?

Due to the fact that I moved from Berlin to a more rural region after graduating, I have found that not all professions are equally in demand in all regions. As I had to adapt to the local job situation, my professional career developed away from my degree. So plan B was put into action and my hobby graphic design became my profession.

What would you tell fellow students that study at Media University?

No matter how bumpy or endless the at least three-year road to graduation may seem, hold on! There is a solution for every problem and the struggle always pays off in the end. Rejoice in the goals you have achieved and keep up the successes you experience over time. Above all, I would advise you to start your professional life as a working student in addition to your studies, as this can lead to a lot of things that can be of great value for you later on!

Which characteristics should students have that want to study „B.A. Journalism and Corporate Communications“?

On the one hand, be brave and dare to try something new. Allow curiosity and be open-minded as you go through life. Do not be afraid of challenges and grow based on your positive and negative experiences! Finally, the necessary amount of ambition and a certain amount of adaptability will help you find your place in the media world.

Thank you very much for the interview and much success for your future.