International Students Testimonies

From Media University to a job position as a People and Culture Specialist

Her degree in business psychology prepared Vedanti Shinde in the best possible way for her current day-to-day work at a Berlin-based artificial intelligence startup. In the following interview, she tells us about her responsibilities as a People and Culture Specialist and describes how her studies help her in her work routine.

What comes to mind when you think about your studies?

The one word that comes to mind is “holistic”. For me, the MA Business Psychology course had a good balance of theory and practical projects. I enjoyed the diversity in the course modules from Marketing to User Experience to Human & Organizational Resource Management.

You acquired a Master of Arts in Business Psychology. What is your current job position?

I am currently the People and Culture Specialist at an AI start-up here in Berlin, but I also support the product development and marketing teams.

Why did you decide to study M.A. Business Psychology?

After I finished my BA in Psychology from the University of Mumbai, I was quite unsure about my career path and academic future. Working at the family business Micromaster Laboratories for a year made me realize I enjoyed applying Psychology in organizational and work contexts. I started looking for universities in Germany that taught Business Psychology in English and came across Media University!

The aspects of studying at Media University that drew me to apply for the course was first the internationality of the students, second that it was a university of applied sciences instead of being a purely theoretical education, and third the lecturers had a lot of practical and professional experience. I was very excited when I got accepted to Media University Berlin campus.

Which contents of your studies are part of your current job? How do your studies help you in your work routine?

A lot of the course work is part of my current job, especially due to the dynamic and agile environment that start-ups have. Most relevant would be the Human and Organizational Resources Management course, since I was hired as the People and Culture Specialist. My learnings from the course have helped me set up robust people processes and implement them with relative ease while keeping in mind to align the team’s efforts with strategic aspects of the business. The marketing course came in handy when I started supporting marketing and employer branding activities. Lastly, the Business Anthropology and User Experience classes helped me understand the company’s product well! Due to these courses, I was able to put forth a customer-centric and user-focused mindset.

What are your plans for the future?

I definitely plan to explore work life in Berlin a bit more after having experienced student life in Berlin, thanks to Media University!

What would you tell fellow students that study Business Psychology?

I would say that the best part about Business Psychology is the variety of topics and courses that come under the same umbrella! Think of all the different personas of people you could encounter at work, and there is probably a course for that. Consumers are addressed in Marketing, users in business anthropology and user experience, people within the organization in Human and Organizational Resource Management, and all other potential topics in Recent Trends! I would also tell them to be prepared for surprising ways in which this knowledge comes to use in the practical fast-paced business world.

Thanks a lot for sharing your experience with us. We wish you much success for your working life!