International Students Testimonies

"The biggest challenge is learning new things every day."

Kathryn Lawrence studied M.A. Communication Design at Media University Berlin and graduaded last year. Now she is working as Junior Frontend Developer (software engineer) at the startup Grover. What did she like most about her master course? And what are her plans for the future? This and much more you learn in the following interview.

Kathryn Lawrence studied Communication Design at HMKW Berlin.

Kathryn Lawrence studied Communication Design at HMKW Berlin.

What is the first thing that comes to your mind, when you think about Media University?

Media University for me was a great place to start my life in Berlin.

You studied the master program „Communication Design“. What is your current job position and what are your tasks? How did you figure out your preferred career? Did your internships have any influence on your job choice?

My current position is as a Junior Frontend Developer (software engineer) at a startup called Grover. I was an Intern turned Working Student in the marketing team throughout my study period, and then was offered a full time position as a Content Manager when I graduated. Studying graphic design and brand design at Media University in my course definitely helped me in producing images and text for the marketing team.

Why did you decide to study „Communication Design“? And why did you choose Media University Berlin?

With a bachelor's degree in Art/Art History I was looking for more high level creative career opportunities that would be unlocked by acquiring my M.A. I chose Media University because of the possibility to study in English.

Which contents of your studies are part of your current job? How do your studies help you in your work routine?

I can trust my judgement on design decisions, follow the guidelines set by our internal design team, and create and present my own designs for web projects thanks to my experiences in the Communication Design course. I think about user experience and use design thinking as part of my work on the web daily.


What are your plans for the future?

My future plans are to progress in my software engineering career and to use my design skills to continue my creative coding projects.

What do you like most about your current job position? What is your biggest challenge?

The opportunities for growth are huge in tech: in three years, including my study time, I transitioned from a marketing intern to a working student, to a full timer, to a member of the engineering team. The biggest challenge is learning new things every day.

You finished your studies in April. Could you tell us more about the application phase after your graduation?

Since I was already working at a company that was happy to keep me at the end of my studies, I luckily didn't have any gap in my employment.

What would be your recommendations to fellow students that study „Communication Design“ at Media University?

My recommendation is to study what interests you most – I was lucky that many professors embraced my love of technology and let me create projects centered around my own interests.

In your opinion, which characteristics a student of „Communication Design“ should have?

Tenacity, individuality, and a strong creative drive!

Thank you very much for the interview! We wish you success in all your future endeavors.